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NOTE: This table covers only the '''ABC's''' free-to-air repeat broadcasts in [[Australia]] up to '''December 2013''', and will be updated in the event of additional repeats
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{|class="sortable wikitable"
{|class="sortable wikitable"
!Production Code!!Story Name!!# of Broadcasts!!First Broadcast!!colspan=9|Year of Repeat(s)!!Notes
!!!Story!!No of B'casts!!1st B'cast!!colspan=9|Year of Repeat(s)!!Notes
!{{hs|001 }}A
!{{hs|001 }}A
|[[An Unearthly Child]]||3||1965{{hs|0112 }}||1993{{hs|1122 }}||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Serials '''{{A}}'''–'''{{QQ}}''' aired in Perth, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Hobart; the first to air in Darwin was serial '''{{RR}}'''.
|[[An Unearthly Child]]||3||1965*{{hs|0112 }}||1993{{hs|1122 }}||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Serials '''{{A}}'''–'''{{QQ}}''' aired in Perth, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Hobart; the first to air in Darwin was serial '''{{RR}}'''.
!{{hs|002 }}B
!{{hs|002 }}B
Line 13: Line 14:
!{{hs|004 }}D
!{{hs|004 }}D
|[[Marco Polo]]||2||1965{{hs|0412 }}||1965{{hs|1220 }}/66 *|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Canberra and Brisbane?
|[[Marco Polo]]||2||1965{{hs|0412 }}||1965{{hs|1220 }}/66 *|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Brisbane?
!{{hs|005 }}E
!{{hs|005 }}E
Line 19: Line 20:
!{{hs|006 }}F
!{{hs|006 }}F
|[[The Aztecs]]||3||1965{{hs|0712 }}/66 *||1965{{hs|1229 }}/66 *||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Sydney repeats concluded before Hobart first broadcast finished; not repeated in Canberra
|[[The Aztecs]]||3||1965{{hs|0712 }}/66 *||1965{{hs|1229 }}/66 *||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Sydney repeats concluded before Hobart first broadcast finished
!{{hs|007 }}G
!{{hs|007 }}G
Line 28: Line 29:
!{{hs|009 }}J
!{{hs|009 }}J
|[[Planet of Giants]]||3||1965{{hs|1101 }}/66||1966{{hs|1114 }} *||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Hobart
|[[Planet of Giants]]||3||1965{{hs|1101 }}/66*||1966{{hs|1114 }} ||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Did not air in Rockhampton
!{{hs|010 }}K
!{{hs|010 }}K
|[[The Dalek Invasion of Earth]]||2||1965{{hs|1122 }}/66 *||2003{{hs|1110 }}||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Did not air at all in Melbourne and Hobart
|[[The Dalek Invasion of Earth]]||2||1965{{hs|1122 }}/66 *||2003{{hs|1110 }}||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Did not air at all in Melbourne, Hobart, Rockhampton or Townsville
!{{hs|011 }}L
!{{hs|011 }}L
Line 46: Line 47:
!{{hs|015 }}Q
!{{hs|015 }}Q
|[[The Space Museum]]||3||1966{{hs|1003 }}||1968{{hs|0212 }} *||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Sydney and Canberra
|[[The Space Museum]]||3||1966{{hs|1003 }}||1968{{hs|0212 }} *||2003||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Sydney
!{{hs|016 }}R
!{{hs|016 }}R
Line 67: Line 68:
!{{hs|022 }}W
!{{hs|022 }}W
|[[The Massacre]]||2||1966{{hs|1220 }}/67||1968{{hs|0313 }}||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
|[[The Massacre]]||2||1966{{hs|1220 }}/67*||1968{{hs|0313 }}||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||* Did not air in Canberra
!{{hs|023 }}X
!{{hs|023 }}X
|[[The Ark]]||3||1966{{hs|1227 }}/67||1968{{hs|0320 }}||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
|[[The Ark]]||3||1966{{hs|1227 }}/67*||1968{{hs|0320 }}||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||* Did not air in Canberra
!{{hs|024 }}Y
!{{hs|024 }}Y
|[[The Celestial Toymaker]]||2||1967{{hs|0103 }}||1968{{hs|0327 }}||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
|[[The Celestial Toymaker]]||2||1967*{{hs|0103 }}||1968{{hs|0327 }}||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||* Did not air in Canberra
!{{hs|025 }}Z
!{{hs|025 }}Z
|[[The Gunfighters]]||3||1967{{hs|0110 }}||1968{{hs|0403 }}||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
|[[The Gunfighters]]||3||1967*{{hs|0110 }}||1968{{hs|0403 }}||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||* Did not air in Canberra
!{{hs|026 }}AA
!{{hs|026 }}AA
Line 109: Line 110:
!{{hs|036 }}LL
!{{hs|036 }}LL
|[[The Evil of the Daleks]]||2||1969{{hs|0112 }}&nbsp;*||1969{{hs|0508 }}/70 +|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Broadcast out of series order, after [[The Web of Fear]] <br />+ Not repeated in Perth
|[[The Evil of the Daleks]]||2||1969{{hs|0112 }}&nbsp;*||1969{{hs|0508 }}/70 || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Broadcast out of series order, after [[The Web of Fear]] <br />
!{{hs|037 }}MM
!{{hs|037 }}MM
Line 124: Line 125:
!{{hs|041 }}QQ
!{{hs|041 }}QQ
|[[The Web of Fear]]||2||1968{{hs|1201 }}/69||1970{{hs|0102 }}&nbsp;*|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Perth?
|[[The Web of Fear]]||2||1968{{hs|1201 }}/69||1970{{hs|0102 }}&nbsp;|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||
!{{hs|042 }}RR
!{{hs|042 }}RR
|[[Fury from the Deep]]&nbsp;*||2||1969{{hs|0302 }}||1970{{hs|0113 }}/71|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Serial '''{{RR}}''' was the first serial to be broadcast in Darwin in 1971; airings gradually caught up with the rest of the country, with no repeats. Serials {{TT}} and {{UU}} followed in 1971; {{VV}} aired in 1971/72; and all from {{WW}} through to {{CCC}} in 1972.
|[[Fury from the Deep]]&nbsp;*||2||1969{{hs|0302 }}||1970{{hs|0113 }}/71|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Serial '''{{RR}}''' was the first serial to be broadcast in Darwin in 1971; airings gradually caught up with the rest of the country, with no repeats. Serials '''{{SS}}, {{TT}}''' and '''{{UU}}''' followed in 1971; '''{{VV}}''' aired in 1971/72; and all from '''{{WW}}''' through to '''{{CCC}}''' in 1972.
!{{hs|043 }}SS
!{{hs|043 }}SS
Line 133: Line 134:
!{{hs|044 }}TT
!{{hs|044 }}TT
|[[The Dominators]]||3||1970{{hs|0420 }}||1970{{hs|1211 }}/71&nbsp;*||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Perth?
|[[The Dominators]]||3||1970{{hs|0420 }}||1970{{hs|1211 }}/71&nbsp;||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||
!{{hs|045 }}UU
!{{hs|045 }}UU
Line 142: Line 143:
!{{hs|047 }}WW
!{{hs|047 }}WW
|[[The Krotons]]||4||1970{{hs|0828 }}||1971{{hs|1217 }}/72||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Adelaide?
|[[The Krotons]]||4||1970{{hs|0828 }}||1971{{hs|1217 }}/72*||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Adelaide?
!{{hs|048 }}XX
!{{hs|048 }}XX
|[[The Seeds of Death]]||3||1970{{hs|0925 }}||1972{{hs|0110 }}/73||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Perth?
|[[The Seeds of Death]]||3||1970{{hs|0925 }}||1972{{hs|0110 }}/73||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||
!{{hs|049 }}YY
!{{hs|049 }}YY
Line 151: Line 152:
!{{hs|050 }}ZZ
!{{hs|050 }}ZZ
|[[The War Games]]||2||1971{{hs|0502 }}||1972{{hs|0508 }}/73&nbsp;*|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Melbourne?; unsure if repeated in Hobart
|[[The War Games]]||2||1971{{hs|0502 }}||1972{{hs|0508 }}/73&nbsp;*|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Melbourne?
!{{hs|051 }}AAA
!{{hs|051 }}AAA
|[[Spearhead from Space]]||7||1971{{hs|0711 }}||1972{{hs|0828 }}–74&nbsp;*||1978||1979||1984||1986||2004||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Hobart and Perth?
|[[Spearhead from Space]]||7||1971{{hs|0711 }}||1972{{hs|0828 }}–74&nbsp;||1978||1979||1984||1986||2004||  ||  || ||
!{{hs|052 }}BBB
!{{hs|052 }}BBB
|[[Doctor Who and the Silurians]]||5||1971{{hs|0808 }}||1973{{hs|0507 }}/74&nbsp;*||1984||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Repeated in Perth?
|[[Doctor Who and the Silurians]]||5||1971{{hs|0808 }}||1973{{hs|0507 }}/74&nbsp;||1984||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||
!{{hs|053 }}CCC
!{{hs|053 }}CCC
|[[The Ambassadors of Death]]||4||1971{{hs|0926 }}/72||1973{{hs|0827 }}/74&nbsp;||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||
|[[The Ambassadors of Death]]||4||1971{{hs|0926 }}/72||1973{{hs|0827 }}/74&nbsp;*||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Hobart?
!{{hs|054 }}DDD
!{{hs|054 }}DDD
Line 166: Line 167:
!{{hs|055 }}EEE
!{{hs|055 }}EEE
|[[Terror of the Autons]]||5||1972{{hs|0512 }}/73||1973{{hs|0905 }}/74&nbsp;*||1984||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Hobart and Perth?
|[[Terror of the Autons]]||5||1972{{hs|0512 }}/73||1973{{hs|0905 }}/74&nbsp;*||1984||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Hobart?
!{{hs|056 }}FFF
!{{hs|056 }}FFF
Line 172: Line 173:
!{{hs|057 }}GGG
!{{hs|057 }}GGG
|[[The Claws of Axos]]||5||1972{{hs|1229 }}/73||1974{{hs|0506 }}/75&nbsp;*||1983||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Repeated in Perth? The repeat in Hobart which concluded on 5 February 1975 was the last black and white episode of '''Doctor Who''' to be broadcast until 1984.
|[[The Claws of Axos]]||5||1972{{hs|1229 }}/73||1974{{hs|0506 }}/75&nbsp;*||1983||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||*The repeat in Hobart which concluded on 5 February 1975 was the last black and white episode of '''Doctor Who''' to be broadcast until 1984.
!{{hs|058 }}HHH
!{{hs|058 }}HHH
|[[Colony in Space]]||5||1973{{hs|0126 }}||1974{{hs|0510 }}&nbsp;*||1983||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Repeated in Perth?
|[[Colony in Space]]||5||1973{{hs|0126 }}||1974{{hs|0510 }}&nbsp;||1983||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||
!{{hs|059 }}JJJ
!{{hs|059 }}JJJ
Line 181: Line 182:
!{{hs|060 }}KKK
!{{hs|060 }}KKK
|[[Day of the Daleks]]||6||1973{{hs|0316 }}||1974{{hs|0930 }}&nbsp;*||1978||1979||1983||1986||  ||  ||  || ||* Repeated in Perth?
|[[Day of the Daleks]]||6||1973{{hs|0316 }}||1974{{hs|0930 }}&nbsp;||1978||1979||1983||1986||  ||  ||  || ||
!{{hs|061 }}MMM
!{{hs|061 }}MMM
Line 193: Line 194:
!{{hs|064 }}OOO
!{{hs|064 }}OOO
|[[The Time Monster]]||5||1973{{hs|0803 }}&nbsp;*||1974{{hs|1028 }}||1983||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* By Christmas 1974 Darwin had caught up the rest of the country as far Episode '''{{OOO}} part 3''', when Cyclone Tracy devastated the city and destroyed the television transmitter.
|[[The Time Monster]]||5||1973{{hs|0803 }}&nbsp;*||1974{{hs|1028 }}||1983||1986||2004||  ||  ||  ||  || ||*Darwin had caught up with the rest of the country as far as episode 3, but Cyclone Tracy devastated the city and destroyed the television transmitter at Christmas 1974
!{{hs|065 }}RRR
!{{hs|065 }}RRR
Line 199: Line 200:
!{{hs|066 }}PPP
!{{hs|066 }}PPP
|[[Carnival of Monsters]]||7||1973{{hs|0914 }}&nbsp;*||1974{{hs|1105 }}/75&nbsp;*||1978&nbsp;*||1979&nbsp;*||1983||1986||2004||  ||  || ||* Broadcast out of series order, before [[The Three Doctors]]
|[[Carnival of Monsters]]||7||1973{{hs|0914 }}&nbsp;*||1974{{hs|1105 }}/75&nbsp;*||1978&nbsp;*||1979&nbsp;*||1983||1986||2004||  ||  || ||* Broadcast out of series order, before [[The Three Doctors]] (only 1978, 1979, 1983 and 1986 screenings used the extended edit of Part 2)
!{{hs|067 }}QQQ
!{{hs|067 }}QQQ
Line 211: Line 212:
!{{hs|070 }}UUU
!{{hs|070 }}UUU
|[[The Time Warrior]]||7||1975{{hs|0307 }}&nbsp;*||1977{{hs|0605 }}||1978||1979||1983||1986||2004||  ||  || ||* Colour broadcasts commenced on 1 March 1975, with the episodes of Season 11 the first to be aired in colour.
|[[The Time Warrior]]||7||1975{{hs|0307 }}&nbsp;*||1977{{hs|0605 }}||1978||1979||1983||1986||2004||  ||  || ||* Colour broadcasts commenced on 1 March 1975, with the episodes of Season 11 the first to be aired in colour
!{{hs|071 }}WWW
!{{hs|071 }}WWW
|[[Invasion of the Dinosaurs]]||3||1983{{hs|1105 }}&nbsp;*||1986{{hs|0902 }}&nbsp;*||2004*||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Incomplete (Episode '''{{WWW}} part 1''' was not broadcast until 2004)
|[[Invasion of the Dinosaurs]]||3||1983{{hs|1105 }}&nbsp;*||1986{{hs|0902 }}&nbsp;*||2004||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Incomplete (Episode '''{{WWW}} part 1''' was not broadcast until 2004)
!{{hs|072 }}XXX
!{{hs|072 }}XXX
Line 403: Line 404:
!{{hs|134 }}6Q
!{{hs|134 }}6Q
|[[Planet of Fire]]||4||1984{{hs|0402 }}||1988{{hs|0625 }}&nbsp;*||1993||1994||2005||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Melbourne
|[[Planet of Fire]]||5||1984{{hs|0402 }}||1988{{hs|0625 }}&nbsp;*||1993||1994||2005||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Melbourne
!{{hs|135 }}6R
!{{hs|135 }}6R
|[[The Caves of Androzani]]||4||1984{{hs|0619 }}||1988{{hs|0702 }}&nbsp;*||1993||1994||2005||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Melbourne
|[[The Caves of Androzani]]||5||1984{{hs|0619 }}||1988{{hs|0702 }}&nbsp;*||1993||1994||2005||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Not repeated in Melbourne
!{{hs|136 }}6S
!{{hs|136 }}6S
Line 429: Line 430:
|[[Revelation of the Daleks]]||3||1986{{hs|0122 }}&nbsp;*||1993{{hs|0720 }}&nbsp;*||1994&nbsp;*|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Broadcast as 4 parts
|[[Revelation of the Daleks]]||3||1986{{hs|0122 }}&nbsp;*||1993{{hs|0720 }}&nbsp;*||1994&nbsp;*|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || ||* Broadcast as 4 parts
!{{hs|143 }}7A/7B/7C
!{{hs|143 }}7A 7B 7C
|[[The Trial of a Time Lord]]||2||1987{{hs|0207 }}||2005{{hs|1221 }}/06|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
|[[The Trial of a Time Lord]]||2||1987{{hs|0207 }}||2005{{hs|1221 }}/06|| ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
Line 473: Line 474:
'''Table created by Catherine C.'''
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Latest revision as of 22:33, 11 January 2025

NOTE: This table covers only the ABC's free-to-air repeat broadcasts in Australia up to December 2013, and will be updated in the event of additional repeats

Story No of B'casts 1st B'cast Year of Repeat(s) Notes
001 A An Unearthly Child 3 1965*0112 19931122 2003 * Serials AQQ aired in Perth, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Hobart; the first to air in Darwin was serial RR.
002 B The Daleks 2 19650209 20030922
003 C Inside the Spaceship 2 19650329 20031003
004 D Marco Polo 2 19650412 19651220 /66 * * Not repeated in Brisbane?
005 E The Keys of Marinus 2 19650531 20031007
006 F The Aztecs 3 19650712 /66 * 19651229 /66 * 2003 * Sydney repeats concluded before Hobart first broadcast finished
007 G The Sensorites 2 19650809 /66 20031023
008 H The Reign of Terror 2 19650920 /66 19661102
009 J Planet of Giants 3 19651101 /66* 19661114   2003 * Did not air in Rockhampton
010 K The Dalek Invasion of Earth 2 19651122 /66 * 20031110 * Did not air at all in Melbourne, Hobart, Rockhampton or Townsville
011 L The Rescue 2 19660103  * 20031119 * Did not air at all in Melbourne, Adelaide, and Hobart
012 M The Romans 3 19660117 19661116 /67 2003
013 N The Web Planet 3 19660214 19661122 /67 2003
014 P The Crusade 2 19660328 19661201 –68
015 Q The Space Museum 3 19661003 19680212  * 2003 * Not repeated in Sydney
016 R The Chase 3 19661004 19680213 2003
017 S The Time Meddler 3 19661005 19680221 2003/04
018 T Galaxy 4 2 19661010 19680228
019 T/A Mission to the Unknown 0 Was never broadcast in Australia
020 U The Myth Makers 2 19661026 19680306
021 V The Daleks’ Master Plan 0 Was never broadcast in Australia
022 W The Massacre 2 19661220 /67* 19680313 * Did not air in Canberra
023 X The Ark 3 19661227 /67* 19680320 2004 * Did not air in Canberra
024 Y The Celestial Toymaker 2 1967*0103 19680327 * Did not air in Canberra
025 Z The Gunfighters 3 1967*0110 19680403 2004 * Did not air in Canberra
026 AA The Savages 2 19670324 19680410
027 BB The War Machines 3 19670421 19680417 2004
028 CC The Smugglers 2 19670519 19680424
029 DD The Tenth Planet 2 19670616 19680501
030 EE The Power of the Daleks 2 19670714 19680508
031 FF The Highlanders 2 19670825 19680520
032 GG The Underwater Menace 2 19670922 19680527
033 HH The Moonbase 2 19671020 /68 19680603
034 JJ The Macra Terror 2 19671117 /68 19680610
035 KK The Faceless Ones 2 19671215 /68 19680617 /69
036 LL The Evil of the Daleks 2 19690112  * 19690508 /70 * Broadcast out of series order, after The Web of Fear
037 MM The Tomb of the Cybermen 3 19680705 19690505 2004
038 NN The Abominable Snowmen 2 19680802 19690501 /70
039 OO The Ice Warriors 2 19680908 19690818 /70
040 PP The Enemy of the World 2 19681020 19690908 /70
041 QQ The Web of Fear 2 19681201 /69 19700102  
042 RR Fury from the Deep * 2 19690302 19700113 /71 * Serial RR was the first serial to be broadcast in Darwin in 1971; airings gradually caught up with the rest of the country, with no repeats. Serials SS, TT and UU followed in 1971; VV aired in 1971/72; and all from WW through to CCC in 1972.
043 SS The Wheel in Space 2 19690413 19700824 /71
044 TT The Dominators 3 19700420 19701211 /71  2004
045 UU The Mind Robber 4 19700529 19701218 /71 1986 2004
046 VV The Invasion 2 19700703 19710120 /72
047 WW The Krotons 4 19700828 19711217 /72* 1986 2004 * Not repeated in Adelaide?
048 XX The Seeds of Death 3 19700925 19720110 /73 2004
049 YY The Space Pirates 2 19710321 19720114 /73
050 ZZ The War Games 2 19710502 19720508 /73 * * Not repeated in Melbourne?
051 AAA Spearhead from Space 7 19710711 19720828 –74  1978 1979 1984 1986 2004
052 BBB Doctor Who and the Silurians 5 19710808 19730507 /74  1984 1986 2004
053 CCC The Ambassadors of Death 4 19710926 /72 19730827 /74 * 1986 2004 * Not repeated in Hobart?
054 DDD Inferno 2 19860318 20040419
055 EEE Terror of the Autons 5 19720512 /73 19730905 /74 * 1984 1986 2004 * Not repeated in Hobart?
056 FFF The Mind of Evil 2 19860407 20040506
057 GGG The Claws of Axos 5 19721229 /73 19740506 /75 * 1983 1986 2004 *The repeat in Hobart which concluded on 5 February 1975 was the last black and white episode of Doctor Who to be broadcast until 1984.
058 HHH Colony in Space 5 19730126 19740510   1983 1986 2004
059 JJJ The Dæmons 2 19860505 20040617
060 KKK Day of the Daleks 6 19730316 19740930   1978 1979 1983 1986
061 MMM The Curse of Peladon 5 19730525 19741014 1984 1986 2004
062 LLL The Sea Devils 5 19730413  * 19741004  * 1983 1986 2004 * Broadcast out of series order, before The Curse of Peladon
063 NNN The Mutants 5 19730622 19741018 1983 1986 2004
064 OOO The Time Monster 5 19730803  * 19741028 1983 1986 2004 *Darwin had caught up with the rest of the country as far as episode 3, but Cyclone Tracy devastated the city and destroyed the television transmitter at Christmas 1974
065 RRR The Three Doctors 7 19731012 /74 19741111 /75 1978 1979 1983 * 1986 2004 * Broadcast out of series order, after Frontier in Space
066 PPP Carnival of Monsters 7 19730914  * 19741105 /75 * 1978 * 1979 * 1983 1986 2004 * Broadcast out of series order, before The Three Doctors (only 1978, 1979, 1983 and 1986 screenings used the extended edit of Part 2)
067 QQQ Frontier in Space 4 19731109 /74 19741115 /75 1983 1986
068 SSS Planet of the Daleks 3 19731228 /74 19741203 /75 1986 * * Incomplete? (Episode SSS part 3 was possibly omitted in some regions, with Parts Four to Six renumbered. Television schedules had advertised all six parts were to be broadcast.)
069 TTT The Green Death 6 19780530 19790621 1983 1984 1986 2004
070 UUU The Time Warrior 7 19750307  * 19770605 1978 1979 1983 1986 2004 * Colour broadcasts commenced on 1 March 1975, with the episodes of Season 11 the first to be aired in colour
071 WWW Invasion of the Dinosaurs 3 19831105  * 19860902  * 2004 * Incomplete (Episode WWW part 1 was not broadcast until 2004)
072 XXX Death to the Daleks 7 19750404 19770703 1978 1979 1983 1986 2004
073 YYY The Monster of Peladon 7 19750502 19770731   1978 1979 1983 1986 2004
074 ZZZ Planet of the Spiders 7 19760307 /77 19770911   1978 1979 1983 1986 2004
075 4A Robot 9 19760418 /77 19780323 1978 1979 1980 1983 1986 1989 2004
076 4C The Ark in Space 910 19760529 /77 19780720 1979 1980 1982 1983 1986 1989 1993 2004
077 4B The Sontaran Experiment 8 19760515 /77 * 19780329  * 1978 + 1979 * 1980 1983 1989 2004 * Broadcast out of series order, directly after Robot
+ Broadcast in correct series order only in Melbourne?
078 4E Genesis of the Daleks 910 19770320 19780728 1979 1980 1982 1983 1986 1989 1993 2004
079 4D Revenge of the Cybermen 910 19770508 19780807 1979 1980 1982 1983 1986 1989 1993 * 2004 * Broadcast out of series order, after The Invasion of Time
080 4F Terror of the Zygons 910 19780207  * 19780811 1979 1980 1982 1983 1986 1989 1993 2004 * Serial 4F was the first story to be broadcast in all capital cities starting on the same day (with the possible exception of Darwin)
081 4H Planet of Evil 910 19780214 19780817 1979 1980 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2004
082 4G Pyramids of Mars 910 19780221 19780823 1979 1980 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2004
083 4J The Android Invasion 910 19780228 19780829 1979 1980 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2004
084 4K The Brain of Morbius 5 19800124  * 19870509 1989 1993 2004 * Broadcast as edited omnibus version only
085 4L The Seeds of Doom 910 19780314 19780904 1979 1980 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2004
086 4M The Masque of Mandragora 910 19780307  * 19780912 1979 1980 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2005 * Broadcast out of series order, before The Seeds of Doom
087 4N The Hand of Fear 8 19780329 19780918 1982 * 1983 1987 1989 1993 2005 * Broadcast out of series order, before The Masque of Mandragora
088 4P The Deadly Assassin 4 19870718  * 19890707 1993 2005 * Broadcast as omnibus in Adelaide; in some regions Parts 3 and 4 were aired before Parts 1 and 2!
089 4Q The Face of Evil 8 19780406 19780922 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2005
090 4R The Robots of Death 8 19780418 19780928 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2005
091 4S The Talons of Weng-Chiang 8 19780426 19781004  * 1982 1983 1987 1989 1993 2005 * Not repeated in Brisbane
092 4V Horror of Fang Rock 8 19790219 19800512 1982 1984 1987 * 1989 1993 2005 * Broadcast as omnibus in some regions
093 4T The Invisible Enemy 8 19790226 19800519 1982 1984 1987 1989 1993 2005
094 4X Image of the Fendahl 8 19790305 19800526 1982 1984 1987 1990 1993 2005
095 4W The Sun Makers 7 19790312 19800602 1982 1987 1990 1993 2005
096 4Y Underworld 6 19790319 19800609 1987 1990 1993 2005
097 4Z The Invasion of Time 7 19790327 19800616 1982 1987 1990 1993 2005
098 5A The Ribos Operation 5 19790410 19800625 1987 1990 2005
099 5B The Pirate Planet 5 19790417 19800702 1987 1990 * 2005 * Incomplete (part 3 was omitted)
100 5C The Stones of Blood 5 19790424 19800709 1988 1990 2005
101 5D The Androids of Tara 5 19790501 19800716 1988 1990 2005
102 5E The Power of Kroll 5 19790508 19800723 1988 1990 2005
103 5F The Armageddon Factor 5 19790515 19800730 1988 1990 2005
104 5J Destiny of the Daleks 4 19800218 19800811 1988 1990
105 5H City of Death 5 19800225 19800818 1988 1990 2005
106 5G The Creature from the Pit 5 19800303 19800825 1988 1990 2005
107 5K Nightmare of Eden 5 19800310 19800901 1988 1991 2005
108 5L The Horns of Nimon 5 19800317 19800908 1988 1991 2005
109 5N The Leisure Hive 5 19820308 19840406 1988 1991 2005
110 5Q Meglos 5 19820315 19840412 1988 1991 2005
111 5R Full Circle 5 19820322 19840418 1988 1991 2005
112 5P State of Decay 5 19820329 19840424 1988 1991 2005
113 5S Warriors’ Gate 5 19820405 19840430 1988 1991 2005
114 5T The Keeper of Traken 5 19820412 19840504 1988 1991 2005
115 5V Logopolis 5 19820419 19840510 1988 1991/92 2005
116 5Z Castrovalva 5 19820426 19840516 1988 1993 2005
117 5W Four to Doomsday 5 19820503 19840522 1988 1993 2005
118 5Y Kinda 5 19820510 19840528 1988 1993 * 2005 * Parts Three and Four were erroneously broadcast in reverse order
119 5X The Visitation 5 19820517 19840601 1988 1993 2005
120 6A Black Orchid 5 19820524 19830411 1993 1993 2005
121 6B Earthshock 5 19820526 19830413 1993 1993 2005
122 6C Time-Flight 5 19820602 19830419 1993 1993 2005
123 6E Arc of Infinity 4 19830425 19930413 1993 2005
124 6D Snakedance 4 19830429 19930419 1993 2005
125 6F Mawdryn Undead 5 19830505 19840607 1993 1993 2005
126 6G Terminus 5 19830511 19840613 1993 1994 2005
127 6H Enlightenment 5 19830517 19840319 1993 1994 2005
128 6J The King’s Demons 5 19830523 19840323 1993 1994 2005
129 6K The Five Doctors 3 19831213 19840122 2005 * * Broadcast as 4 parts
130 6L Warriors of the Deep 5 19840305 19880604 1993 1994 2005
131 6M The Awakening 4 19840309 19930519 1994 2005
132 6N Frontios 5 19840313 198806011 1993 1994 2005
133 6P Resurrection of the Daleks 4 19840327  * 19880618  * 1993 * 1994 * * Broadcast as 4 parts
134 6Q Planet of Fire 5 19840402 19880625  * 1993 1994 2005 * Not repeated in Melbourne
135 6R The Caves of Androzani 5 19840619 19880702  * 1993 1994 2005 * Not repeated in Melbourne
136 6S The Twin Dilemma 4 19840625 19930614 1994 2005
137 6T Attack of the Cybermen 4 19851209  * 19930618  * 1994 * 2005 * * Broadcast as 4 parts
138 6V Vengeance on Varos 4 19851216  * 19930624  * 1994 * 2005 * * Broadcast as 4 parts
139 6X The Mark of the Rani 4 19860108  * 19930708  * 1994 * 2005 * * Broadcast as 4 parts
140 6W The Two Doctors 4 19851223 /86 *+ 19930630  *+ 1994 * 2005 * * Broadcast as 6 parts
+ Broadcast out of series order (before Serial 6X)
141 6Y Timelash 4 19860115  * 19930714  * 1994 * 2005 * * Broadcast as 4 parts
142 6Z Revelation of the Daleks 3 19860122  * 19930720  * 1994 * * Broadcast as 4 parts
143 7A 7B 7C The Trial of a Time Lord 2 19870207 20051221 /06
144 7D Time and the Rani 3 19881031 19891020 2006
145 7E Paradise Towers 3 19881104 19891026 2006
146 7F Delta and the Bannermen 3 19881110 19891101 2006
147 7G Dragonfire 3 19881115 19891106 2006
148 7H Remembrance of the Daleks 2 19881118 19891113
149 7L The Happiness Patrol 3 19891128  * 19901025  * 2006 * Broadcast out of series order, after Silver Nemesis
150 7K Silver Nemesis 3 19891123 19901022 2006
151 7J The Greatest Show in the Galaxy 3 19891117  * 19901016  * 2006 * Broadcast out of series order, before Silver Nemesis
152 7N Battlefield 2 19901030 20060126
153 7Q Ghost Light 2 19901105 20060130
154 7M The Curse of Fenric 2 19901108 20060131
155 7P Survival 2 19901114 20060202
156 TV Movie 2 19960707 19970115

Table created by Catherine C.

Airdates in Australia
1965-66 | 1966-67 | 1967-71 | 1971-75 | 1976-78 | 1979-82 | 1983-85 | 1985-90 | 1991-2002 | 2003-(2020s)
Key: BOLD = first airing | ITALICS = repeat
Table of Repeats | ABC's Regional Stations