List of Conventions in the United States
- This list of over events contains only official conventions or shows attended by Doctor Who cast or crew.
- There were hundreds if not thousands of fan-run gatherings, mini-conventions and events (such as pledge drives) that aren't covered here.
- The travelling Doctor Who USA Tour / Celebration & Tour 87-88 is also not covered here; that has its own dedicated PAGE and list of STOPS.
- Also omitted are Blakes 7 conventions where Terry Nation was the only Doctor Who guest, and events where Douglas Adams, in his capacity as creator of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, was also a guest.
- Large-scale annual events such as San Diego Comic Con and New York Comic Con, which are often attended by Doctor Who actors and production members, are also not included.
- Persons whose names are
struck throughare identified in publicity or other advertising material as attending, but who ultimately did not appear at the event - Additional information, such as convention booklets and advertising flyers, can be found for some of the events on the relevant city / state profile and at the Doctor Who Cuttings Archive
- The Gallifrey One conventions (ongoing since 1990) feature many guests from the TV, audio, books, comics and peripheral worlds of Doctor Who and its spin-offs Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures and Class, as well as from other popular SF films and TV series. We have therefore not included everyone in our lists here (but a full roll call of convention guests can be seen at the Gallifrey One Conventions site).
Date | City | State | Venue | Name (organizers) | Guests | Notes |
Apr. 13-15, 1979 | Los Angeles | California | LA Marriott | Los Angeles Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Convention | No Doctor Who guests, but continuous videos of the series played in the "Doctor Who Theatre", sponsored by Time-Life and KBSC. Report in Starlog 25. Press kit here | |
Dec. 1, 1979 | Los Angeles | California | Continental Hyatt House | The Doctor Who Convention (Gallifreyan Irregulars) | Tom Baker, Graham Williams, Terrance Dicks, Gerry Davis, Don Gallacher (music producer of Mankind's disco version of the theme-tune) | Baker and Williams showed up at the eleventh hour; the studio sessions for Shada had been cancelled and they had nothing else to do that weekend. Video room included The Daemons and Nightmare of Eden 1. Baker stayed until the next day to do a signing at Venice Beach. Extensive con report and interview with Baker in Starlog 34. Interview with Dicks in Starlog 37. Ad in LA Weekly. |
Mar. 1-2, 1980 | Los Angeles | California | Hyatt Regency | Who 1 (Gallifreyan Irregulars) | Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Terrance Dicks, Pat Dunlop | Report and interviews in Starlog 42. Sladen's appearance mentioned in the Liverpool Echo. |
Mar. 22, 1980 | Los Angeles | California | North Hollywood Park | Louise Jameson Weekend (Sirius Productions) | Louise Jameson | Brief mention in the London Evening Standard |
Mar. 23, 1980 | Los Angeles | California | Wonderworld Books | Louise Jameson Weekend (Sirius Productions) | Louise Jameson | |
Aug. 14-16, 1981 | Tulsa | Oklahoma | Camelot Hotel | Panopticon West (NADWAS) | Davison had finished recording Kinda the day before. Guests are only there on the 16th, due to an air-traffic controllers strike that delayed their flight. Videos shown include The Edge of Destruction, The Rescue, An Unearthly Child 1. Interviews with JNT and Davison in Fantastic Films 28, Fantasy Empire 4, and Davison in Starlog 62, article in Tulsa World. Con organizer Barbara Elder was interviewed by Variety | |
Feb. 5-7, 1982 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | Oceanside Holiday Inn | Omnicon III | John Nathan-Turner, Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Nicholas Courtney (1st con) | Generic SF convention. It was here that Bulloch hinted to JNT that he'd like to appear in Doctor Who again. It didn't happen. Courtney often spoke of his first-ever US convention where he encountered lots of female fans dressed as the Brigadier. (In his autobiography, "Still Getting Away With It" (2005), Courtney says his first US con was at the Holiday Inn in Fort Lauderdale, in 1982 - soon after he'd finished filming Mawdryn Undead. However, this event was six months before he worked on Mawdryn Undead; we feel sure Courtney is misremembering things. He isn't getting the year wrong and mixing this up with the 1983 Omnicon IV (see below) because he wasn't there; indeed none of the newspaper or fanzine reports on that event mention him. |
July 16-18, 1982 | Chicago | Illinois | Americana Congress | Panopticon West II | John Nathan-Turner, Sarah Sutton, |
Also known as "Sweatcon". There were between 3,000 and 6,000 attendees each day, and no air-conditioning! Recording on Arc of Infinity had just been completed; Nathan-Turner announced the pre-sale to the US of 78 Peter Davison episodes (i.e. three seasons worth). It was while at this event that Nathan-Turner sounded out Nation for permission to do a Dalek story to close the 20th season. The KRMA documentary Once Upon a Time Lord was filmed. Season 19 shown in video room. Reports in DWM 76 and Fantasy Empire 6. Presumably the interview with JNT in Starlog 62 was conducted here. Preview in the Chicago Tribune. Brief mentions in the Daily Express, the Aberdeen Evening Press and the Liverpool Daily Post. AP photo of Ainley and fans appeared in several newspapers. |
Aug. 21-22, 1982 | New Orleans | Louisiana | Terrance Dicks | On the morning of 22 August, Dicks was woken by a telephone call from script editor Eric Saward to sound out his availability to write The Five Doctors | ||
Sept. 18-19, 1982 | Denver | Colorado | Star Con-Denver VI | John Nathan-Turner | It was while at this convention, that Doctor Who Fan Club of America president, Ron Katz, established an "agreement" with John Nathan-Turner for the club to sell "unofficial" DWFCA merchandise. Film-maker David Ryan approached JNT about a 'behind the scenes' documentary for the 20th next year. Castrovalva and Earthshock were shown. | |
Oct. 23, 1982 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | Oceanside Holiday Inn? | Galaxy Party (Omnicon) | Jon Pertwee (first U.S. con) | Report and photos in Fantasy Empire 6. |
Nov. 21, 1982 | Denver | Colorado | Mammoth Gardens | Whovian Festival II (aka Colorado Whovian Festival) | Sarah Sutton, Anthony Ainley | This was the first event run by the newly-formed Doctor Who Fan Club of America (DWFCA). Whovian Festival I (June 5, 1982) was a local gathering with no celebrity guests. |
Feb. 4-6, 1983 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | Oceanside Holiday Inn | Omnicon IV | Peter Davison, Sandra Dickinson, John Nathan-Turner, John McElroy (DWAS) | DW and Star Trek. Davison - who wore his Doctor's costume - had just completed recording Enlightenment. JNT was at the Con 5-6 Feb only, but stayed on in the US on holiday until 14 Feb. Articles in the Galveston Daily News, Sun-Sentinel and Tallahassee Democrat. Report in Fantasy Empire 1983 Summer Special. |
Feb. 13, 1983 | Chicago | Illinois | New Fantasy Shop | John Nathan-Turner | More of a signing than a convention, photos of event HERE. A group of fans had earlier staged their own version of The Five Doctors; they appeared at the event still in costume, and the group was photographed with JNT. (After being in the US for over a week, JNT flew back to the UK on 14 Feb.) Photos of Nathan-Turner with the costumed fans appear in the Radio Times 20th Anniversary Special. Photo of JNT in DWM 83. | |
Feb. 19-20, 1983 | Chicago | Illinois | New Fantasy Shop | Peter Davison, Sandra Dickinson | More of a signing than a convention; signing sessions ran from noon-2pm, then 4-6pm on the first day, and noon-2pm, 3-5pm on the second. A (delayed) story was run in the 6 May 1983 Daily Herald. Photos in DWM 83, and HERE, and HERE (from the 20th). | |
Mar. 13, 1983 | Gainesville | Florida | UF Carleton Auditorium | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) mini-festival | Ron Katz | Probably no guests. Katz showed two stories: "Ones that haven't aired yet, featuring Peter Davison." Story in the The Sun |
May 27-30, 1983 | San Francisco (Palo Alto) | California | Hyatt Palo Alto | NADWAS | Tom Baker, Christopher Crouch (BBC Enterprises) | Baker and Crouch were interviewed for Dr. Who in America; Baker also recorded his An Interview with segment at the KTEH studios |
May 28-30, 1983 | Seattle | Washington | Seattle Trade Center | Futurefest 83 | Not sure if any DW guests attended. | |
July 9-10, 1983 | Tampa | Florida | McKay Auditorium | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen, John Nathan-Turner | The various conventions attended by Jon Pertwee during July 1983 were chiefly to publicise his stories, some of which (i.e. just the full colour ones) had recently been re-released into US syndication. Pertwee gave JNT some candy called "Mounds", asking him to give these to his old friend Ingrid Pitt, who JNT would be seeing a few days later at rehearsals for Warriors of the Deep. Report in Whovian Times, Oct. 1983. The interviews with Pertwee that appeared in Starlog 79, and Sladen seen in Starlog 77 were likely conducted during the July tour. Brief mention in the Liverpool Echo. Preview in the Tallahassee Democrat. Review in the Tampa Tribune. |
July 13, 1983 | Chapel Hill | North Carolina | Hamilton Hall, University of NC | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen | Reports in Whovian Times, Oct. 1983, KITH Newsletter, and Star-News |
July 16, 1983 | New York | New York | Beacon Theatre | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen | Report in Whovian Times, Oct. 1983 and the Wilmington Evening News. |
July 16-17, 1983 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Sheraton International O'Hare | Creation | Tom Baker | Report in Fantasy Empire Collectors Edition No 1, and photos in DWM 83, and HERE. Tom Baker appeared on local news. |
July 19, 1983 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Walnut Street Theatre | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen | Preview in The Daily Times. Report in Whovian Times, Oct. 1983. Review in the Courier-Post. |
July 22-24, 1983 | Columbus | Ohio | Quality Inn | Panopticon West III (Prydonian Renegades) | John Nathan-Turner, Anthony Ainley, Fiona Cumming, |
Nathan-Turner flew to the US only hours after attending the final day's location filming on The Awakening. Saunders recalls that rumours were circulating at the con that Colin Baker had been cast as the sixth Doctor. Report in Fantasy Empire 12, and interview with Ainley in Starlog 80, and JNT in Starlog 82. Footage shown in The Whovians. |
July 23-24, 1983 | Chicago | Illinois | Granada Theatre | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen | Photos in DWM 83. Report in Whovian Times, Oct. 1983 and The South Bend Tribune. |
July 30-31, 1983 | Denver | Colorado | Paramount Theatre | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen | A selection of early black and white stories and colour Pertwees was shown, plus brand new Season 20 episodes. Also screened were episodes of Worzel Gummidge. |
Aug. 12-14, 1983 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Ramada O'Hare | The Authorized Dr. Who 20th Anniversary Celebration (ComicCon) | Peter Davison, Ian Marter, Janet Fielding (1st con), John Nathan-Turner, Nicholas Courtney | Nathan-Turner (who celebrated his 36th birthday on 12 Aug) brought tapes of season 20 episodes. Reports in DWM 83 and Fantasy Empire 13, and photos HERE. |
Aug. 20-21, 1983 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | John Leeson (1st con) | Leeson often speaks of his first US con; he was the sole guest at a fan event in Philadelphia, where (in disguise as a fan called "George from Pittsburgh") he participated in a "K9 sound-alike competition" - and lost! Photo of "disguised" Leeson in Starlog 143. Report in North American CT (Oct 1983), and article in The Inquirer |
Oct. 1-2, 1983 | Chicago | Illinois | Continental Hotel | Creation | Tom Baker, Louise Jameson | |
Nov. 19-20, 1983 | Boston | Massachusetts | Boston Sheraton | Creation, The Elder Corp. | Tom Baker | Articles in The Sunday Times and The Boston College Heights. |
Nov. 19-20, 1983 | Chapel Hill | North Carolina | University of NC | Contrast (The Guardians of Light & Time) | ||
Nov. 26-27, 1983 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | The Ultimate Celebration (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton (1st con), Peter Davison, Nicholas Courtney, Ian Marter, John Nathan-Turner, Anthony Ainley, John Leeson, Janet Fielding, Elisabeth Sladen, Carole Ann Ford, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, Louise Jameson, Mary Tamm, Nicola Bryant, Fiona Cumming, Ian Fraser, Gary Downie, Julie Brennan, Terry Nation, Peter Moffatt, Matthew Waterhouse | Location filming for The Caves of Androzani had been completed the week before, although JNT was in Canada at that time, flying on to the US directly. It was at this event that JNT approached Troughton to appear in Season 22. On 25 November 1983, at the end of the UK broadcast of The Five Doctors, Peter Davison was briefly interviewed by Terry Wogan (filmed on 14 November), and said he was flying off to a US convention in Chicago. On 28 November, various UK news bulletins, such as BBC 1 News and Newsround reported on the event, one of which was used in the 29 November edition of Video Dispatch in New Zealand. Also on 29 November, Entertainment Tonight reported on the convention. On 3 December, Entertainment This Week ran the same story, but with an edit that omitted the majority of the clips from The Five Doctors. That same edition of ETW aired in New Zealand on 17 December 1983, and in Australia on 8 January 1984. The existing elements of Shada were shown for the first time. A full con report appeared in DWM "Merchandise Special" 1984. Pertwee recorded a voiceover for the con's TV commercial. Fan Video of Pertwee, Sladen, Courtney on stage: PART 1; PART 2; panel footage HERE. Photos HERE. Report in DWB 7 & 8, photos and interview with Cumming in Fantasy Empire 15, report in Fantasy Empire 16. |
Feb. 3-5, 1984 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | Oceanside Holiday Inn | Omnicon V | John Nathan-Turner, Colin Baker (1st con), Nicola Bryant, Anthony Ainley, Nicholas Courtney | The first studio session for The Twin Dilemma had been completed. Baker and Bryant wore their costumes. Report and extensive interview with Baker in Fantasy Empire 12; report in Fantasy Empire 15. |
Feb. 11-12, 1984 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | Tom Baker | Footage appears in the NJN documentary Doctor Who's Who's Who, and some can be seen HERE |
Mar. 30-Apr. 1, 1984 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry VII Inn and Lodge | Panopticon West (NADWAS) | Tom Baker | Baker was interviewed in the Post-Dispatch |
Mar. 31-Apr. 1, 1984 | San Francisco (Palo Alto) | California | Golden Gateway Holiday Inn | Creation | John Nathan-Turner | JN-T interview in the Peninsula Times Tribune |
May 26-28, 1984 | Rochester | New York | Creation | Nicholas Courtney, Terrance Dicks | ||
June 2-3, 1984 | San Francisco | California | Creation | Sarah Sutton | ||
June 9-10, 1984 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | Report on NJN. Footage appears in the NJN documentary Doctor Who's Who's Who | |
June 15-17, 1984 | Columbus | Ohio | Quality Inn | Time Festival Panopticon West IV (aka DWExpo '84) | Colin Baker & Marion Wyatt, John Nathan-Turner, Gary Downie, |
Report in DWM 96, and interviews with Nathan-Turner and Baker in Marvel US #5. Location filming for Attack of the Cybermen had just been completed; Nathan-Turner was unavailable for comment on the Koo Stark incident. |
June 16-17, 1984 | Washington (Arlington, Va.) | District of Columbia | Hyatt Regency Crystal City | Creation | Elisabeth Sladen, Sarah Sutton | |
June 23-24, 1984 | Boston | Massachusetts | Creation | |||
June 30-July 1, 1984 | Detroit | Michigan | Creation | Sarah Sutton, Ron Katz | ||
July 6-8, 1984 | Mobile | Alabama | Riverview Plaza | Gulf Con 84 | Elisabeth Sladen | |
July 7-8, 1984 | Denver | Colorado | Creation | |||
July 14-15, 1984 | Boston | Massachusetts | Boston Park Plaza Hotel | Creation | Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen | |
July 21-22, 1984 | Chicago | Illinois | Continental Hotel | Creation | Mary Tamm | Dr. Who in America premiered here. |
July 27-29, 1984 | St. Louis | Missouri | Gateway Con II | John Nathan-Turner, Anthony Ainley, Mary Tamm? | ||
July 28-29, 1984 | Tampa | Florida | Airport Holiday Inn | Creation | Ian Marter, Ron Katz | Preview in the Lakeland Ledger |
Aug. 3-5, 1984 | San Jose | California | Sainte Claire Hotel Convention Center | Timecon 84 | Jon Pertwee, John Nathan-Turner, Nicholas Courtney, Gerry Davis | Nathan-Turner was absent from rehearsals for The Two Doctors. Pertwee and Nathan-Turner likely recorded their "An Interview with" for KTEH during this visit. Two reviews in the Peninsula Times Tribune. Review in the San Jose Mercury News |
Aug. 3-5, 1984 | Buffalo | New York | Buffalo Who Fest 84 (Pyramids of Buffalo) | |||
Aug. 17-19, 1984 | St. Louis (Clayton) | Missouri | Clayton Plaza Holiday Inn | Tardiscon '84 (Celestial Intervention Agency) | Louise Jameson, Nicholas Courtney, John Leeson, Ian Marter | Another "K9 sound-alike contest" was held. Interview with Marter in Starlog 124. Misleading ad in the Post-Dispatch |
Aug. 25-26, 1984 | Manhattan | New York | Omni Park Central | Creation Summer Expo | Mary Tamm | |
Sept. 15-16, 1984 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | Louise Jameson, Terrance Dicks | Preview in the Courier-Post |
Sept. 22-23, 1984 | New Orleans | Louisiana | Hyatt Regency | Creation | ||
Sept. 29-30, 1984 | Chicago | Illinois | Continental Hotel | Creation | Mark Strickson, John Leeson | DW and Star Trek |
Oct. 6-7, 1984 | San Francisco | California | Holiday Inn Golden Gateway | Creation | Terry Nation | DW and Star Trek |
Oct. 6-7, 1984 | Boston | Massachusetts | Marriott Copley Place | Creation | ||
Oct. 13-14, 1984 | Atlanta | Georgia | Omni Hotel | Creation | ||
Oct. 20-21, 1984 | St. Louis | Missouri | Bel Air Hilton | Creation | Mary Tamm | |
Nov. 3-4, 1984 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | Matthew Waterhouse, Mark Strickson? | Article in the Philadelphia Inquirer |
Nov. 9-11, 1984 | Buffalo | New York | Executive Hotel Buffalo Airport | Buffalo Who Fest 1984 | Jon Pertwee, |
Location filming for The Mark of the Rani had just been completed. Report in Fantasy Empire 18 |
Nov. 16-17, 1984 | Raleigh | North Carolina | Mission Valley Inn | Contrast (The Guardians of Light & Time) | Jon Pertwee, Elisabeth Sladen | |
Nov. 23-25, 1984 | New York (Manhattan) | New York | Omni Park Central Hotel | Creation | Mary Tamm? | In her autobiography Second Generation, Tamm mentions being the sole DW guest at a general SF con held in New York, her first-ever visit to that city (although she recalls seeing people dressed in Star Trek The Next Generation costumes, that must be a mixed memory, as that series didn't start until 1987) |
Nov. 23-25, 1984 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | TARDIS 21 (Spirit of Light) | Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Anthony Ainley, Nicholas Courtney, Nicola Bryant, Janet Fielding, Elisabeth Sladen, Lalla Ward, Mark Strickson, Frazer Hines, John Nathan-Turner, Terrance Dicks, Ian Marter, John Levene, Richard Franklin, |
TARDIS 21 stands for The Annual Reunion of Doctors In Season 21. Location filming for The Mark of the Rani had been completed. Pertwee and Troughton performed their infamous water-pistol fights. Pertwee recorded a segment for Son of Svengoolie and was interviewed on WGN Radio. Report in DWM 99, DWB 19, and Fantasy Empire 19, and photos HERE, and extensive photo gallery HERE. Preview in the Tinley Park Star. Articles in the Sun-Times and The Washingon Post. Sladen's account in the Middlesex County Times. |
Jan. 12-13, 1985 | Boston | Massachusetts | Marriott Copley Place | Creation | Sarah Sutton, James Doohan | DW and Star Trek |
Jan. 26-27, 1985 | San Francisco | California | Holiday Inn Golden Gateway | Creation | Mark Strickson | DW and Star Trek |
Feb. 1-3, 1985 | Tallahassee | Florida | Marriott Hotel | Omnicon VI | John Nathan-Turner, Nicholas Courtney | Courtney says he attended a Miami convention in early 1985, which is likely to be Omnicon VI, although that was held in Tallahassee |
Feb. 9-10, 1985 | Champaign | Illinois | Chancellor Inn Convention Center | Time Travellers Anonymous | Colin Baker, John Nathan-Turner, Sarah Lee, |
Production on Revelation of the Daleks had recently been completed, although JNT was already in the US for the above Florida convention. The city was affected by a blizzard, which prevented many from attending. It was on the flight home that Baker read the script for "The Nightmare Fair", which would have been the first story of season 23. Preview in The Pantagraph. Order form in WILL's magazine. |
Feb. 9-10, 1985 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | Mary Tamm | DW and Star Trek. Presumably the interview with Tamm appearing in the NJN documentary Doctor Who's Who's Who (and The Home Whovian video) was recorded at this event. Interview with Tamm in Starlog 95. Preview and review in The Daily Pennsylvanian. |
Feb. 23-24, 1985 | Philadelphia (King of Prussia) | Pennsylvania | Valley Forge Convention Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Colin Baker, John Nathan-Turner | Starting in 1985, the Whovian Festival Tour was renamed Doctor Who Festival (we have retained the old name in this guide for consistency). Attack of the Cybermen, Vengeance on Varos and The Mark of the Rani are shown. Was this the convention when the tape of Shada was stolen?. Presumably the Nathan-Turner and Baker interviews appearing in the NJN documentary Doctor Who's Who's Who (and The Home Whovian video) were recorded at this event. Soft rumours about the series being cancelled had been circulating. On returning home, Nathan-Turner was summoned to see his bosses... |
Mar. 8, 1985 | Tampa | Florida | Tampa Theatre | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison, John Nathan-Turner | This was Nathan-Turner's first US con after the series had been placed on "hiatus". The event was publicized in the Lakeland Ledger, Mar. 1 and reviewed Mar. 15. Davison and Nathan-Turner interviewed in the Tampa Tribune. WEDU? aired a featurette |
Mar. 9, 1985 | Gainesville | Florida | O'Connell Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison, John Nathan-Turner | |
Mar. 10, 1985 | Tallahassee | Florida | Civic Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison, John Nathan-Turner | Review in Florida Flambeau |
Mar. 15-17, 1985 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry VIII Hotel | Hitchhiking to Gallifrey | Peter Davison, Sandra Dickinson, Mark Wing-Davey | Three month-old Georgia Moffett was in attendance |
Mar. 16-17, 1985 | New York (Manhattan) | New York | Roosevelt Hotel | Creation | John Nathan-Turner | Attack of the Cybermen and Vengeance on Varos are shown. Con report in Starlog 96 |
Mar. 22, 1985 | Madison | Wisconsin | Dane County Coliseum | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Katy Manning, Terrance Dicks | Preview in the Capital Times. Article in the Capital Times and the Wisconsin State Journal |
Mar. 23, 1985 | Chicago | Illinois | Westin Hotel | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Katy Manning, Terrance Dicks | The Daemons and Attack of the Cybermen are shown. Report in Fantasy Image 3. |
Mar. 23-24, 1985 | Rochester | New York | Gateway Inn | Creation | John Nathan-Turner | JNT was already in the US for the other Creation event the previous weekend |
Mar. 24, 1985 | St. Louis | Missouri | Marriott Hotel | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Katy Manning, Terrance Dicks | |
Mar. 30-31, 1985 | Boston | Massachusetts | Boston Sheraton | Starlog SF, Horror & Fantasy Festival | Nicholas Courtney | This was one of the first of several Starlog conventions held throughout the year. Con report in Starlog 96 |
Apr. 13-14, 1985 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation (Salute to Doctor Who) | Peter Davison, Terrance Dicks | It was Davison's birthday. The sign on stage said "Peter Davidson", which had the extra "D" covered over with a sheet of paper! A "Save the Doctor" rally was held. Interview with Dicks in Marvel US #11, and Davison in #16-17 |
Apr. 20, 1985 | Portland | Oregon | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, John Nathan-Turner | Attack of the Cybermen and The Two Doctors are shown. Review at | |
Apr. 21, 1985 | San Jose | California | Civic Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, John Nathan-Turner | Attack of the Cybermen and The Two Doctors are shown |
Apr. 26-28, 1985 | Austin | Texas | Villa Capri Hotel | Who-Tex | Jon Pertwee, Colin Baker | This would appear to be the convention at which photos were taken of Baker sitting in the trunk of a car with the registration plate DR WHO 6, as seen in Starlog 132 |
Apr. 27-28, 1985 | Chicago | Illinois | Continental Hotel | Creation | Sarah Sutton? | |
May 1985 | Tallahassee | Florida | Leon County Civic Center | Omnicon | Peter Davison, Jon Pertwee?, John Nathan-Turner, Gary Downie, Nicholas Courtney, Michael Keating | DW and Blakes 7. JNT and Downie spent most of May 1985 on holiday in the States, and attended several conventions while there. Omnicon is so far the only one we have identified. |
May 17-19, 1985 | Atlanta | Georgia | Northlake Hilton | Dixie-Trek 5 | Jon Pertwee, Terry Nation | |
May 25-27, 1985 | Los Angeles | California | Ambassador Hotel | Creation | ||
June 8-9, 1985 | San Francisco | California | Holiday Inn Golden Gateway | Creation | Nicholas Courtney | DW and Star Trek |
June 8-9, 1985 | Chicago | Illinois | Continental Hotel | Matthew Waterhouse | DW and Star Trek | |
June 14-16, 1985 | Phoenix (Scottsdale) | Arizona | La Posada Hotel | Phoenixcon | ||
June 15-16, 1985 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Starlog SF, Horror & Fantasy Festival (Creation) | Janet Fielding, (Nicholas Courtney?) | General SF. Courtney appeared at a Philadelphia convention, possibly in 1985 - it may have been this Starlog Festival, a follow-on from his appearance at the earlier Starlog Festival in March |
June 29-30, 1985 | Tampa | Florida | Hyatt Regency | Creation | Mark Strickson | |
July 12-14, 1985 | New Orleans | Louisiana | International Hotel | Panopticon New Orleans/1985 North American Time Festival | Colin Baker & Marion Wyatt, John Nathan-Turner, Nicholas Courtney, Gary Downie, Anthony Ainley?, Ian Levine | Theme was Mardi Gras. Baker and Nathan-Turner dressed as Time Lords (photos of JNT dressed in his floral Time Lord gown abound). A JNT "Look-a-like" contest was held. A slide-show featuring photos of JNT timed to Carly Simon's 'Nobody Does it Better' was shown. The They All Axed for Who video documentary was filmed here. Articles in the Times-Picayune, The Victoria Advocate and The Daytona Beach Morning Journal. Photo in the LaCrosse Tribune |
July 26-28, 1985 | San Jose | California | Convention and Cultural Center | Timecon 85 | Patrick Troughton?, Colin Baker, John Nathan-Turner, Nicholas Courtney, John Levene, Ian Marter, Richard Franklin, Sarah Sutton | Baker (and Troughton?) likely recorded the "An Interview with" for KTEH during this visit. |
July 27-28, 1985 | Manhattan | New York | Roosevelt Hotel | Creation | Matthew Waterhouse | |
Aug. 2-4, 1985 | Tampa | Florida | Sheraton-Tampa Motor Hotel | Tampa Bay Who Fest 1985 | This appears to be the event later dubbed "The Convention of Death"; only 150 people attended, and the guests didn't get paid. (It was reported in several fanzines in late 1985 - such as DWB 26 - that Colin Baker and JNT had been to a poorly-attended convention in Tampa; there were only three cons held in Tampa in 85, and the one-off Who Fest is the best fit - but see also Spokane in August 1986.) | |
Aug. 10-11, 1985 | New York | New York | Jon Pertwee | |||
Aug. 10-11, 1985 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | Mark Strickson | |
Aug. 11, 1985 | Bellingham | Washington | Western Washington University | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Nicholas Courtney | Flier seen in They All Axed for Who. Con fictionalized in "So Little Time" by Ryan Boudinot |
Aug. 13-14, 1985 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Jon Pertwee | |||
Aug. 16-18, 1985 | Rochester | New York | Jon Pertwee | |||
Aug. 16-18, 1985 | St. Louis (Clayton) | Missouri | Clayton Plaza Holiday Inn | Tardiscon '85 (Celestial Intervention Agency) | Ian Marter, Janet Fielding, Frazer Hines | In the Oct. 5, 1985 issue of Truth, Fielding mentions attending a convention with 70,000 fans. Tardiscon was her most recent convention, but there certainly wasn't 70,000 fans in attendance. |
Aug. 22-23, 1985 | Buffalo | New York | Jon Pertwee | |||
Aug. 24-25, 1985 | Albany or Syracuse | New York | Jon Pertwee | |||
Aug. 24-25, 1985 | Boston | Massachusetts | Hyatt Regency | Creation | Mark Strickson, Judson Scott | DW and Star Trek. Article in the Boston Globe |
Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 1985 | Philadelphia (King of Prussia) | Pennsylvania | Valley Forge Convention & Exhibit Center | Spirit of Light | ||
Sept. 7-8, 1985 | Chicago | Illinois | Continental Hotel | Creation | Peter Davison | An Unearthly Child, The Dalek Invasion of Earth and The Seeds of Death shown in the video room |
Sept. 7-8, 1985 | Scranton | Pennsylvania | Hilton | Creation | Nicholas Courtney | Article in The Scrantonian |
Sept. 21-22, 1985 | New York | Roosevelt Hilton | The New York Doctor Who Festival (DWFCA and Creation) | Sarah Sutton | ||
1985? | Cleveland | Ohio | Nicholas Courtney | Courtney appeared at a Cleveland convention, possibly in 1985. (May have been Earthcon V, held at Cleveland Hilton South, 20-22 Sept.) | ||
Oct. 1985 | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton | Troughton commenced the October Tour on his own, and was later joined by Colin Baker in Houston... | |||
Oct. 4, 1985 | Houston | Texas | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, Colin Baker | ||
Oct. 5-6, 1985 | Tampa | Florida | Curtis Hixon Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, Colin Baker, John Nathan-Turner, Richard Franklin | |
Oct. 11, 1985 | Rochester | New York | Riverside Convention Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | ||
Oct. 13, 1985 | Stamford | Connecticut | Westhill High School | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, Colin Baker, Jon Pertwee?, John Nathan-Turner | 26th and last stop of 1985 per press release |
Oct. 18, 1985 | New Hampshire | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, Colin Baker | |||
Oct. 18-20, 1985 | Philadelphia (King of Prussia) | Pennsylvania | Valley Forge Convention Center | Whovent 85 (Aerosports/Spirit of Light) | Jon Pertwee, Anthony Ainley, John Levene, |
Article in The Morning Call |
Oct. 26-27, 1985 | San Francisco (Palo Alto) | California | Hyatt Rickey's | Creation | Matthew Waterhouse, Roger C. Carmel | DW and Star Trek |
Nov. 8-10, 1985 | Buffalo | New York | Executive Hotel | Buffalo Who Fest 1985 | ||
Nov. 9-10, 1985 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Creation | Nicholas Courtney, Nichelle Nichols | DW and Star Trek |
Nov. 16-18, 1985 | Raleigh | North Carolina | Mission Valley Inn | Contrast (The Guardians of Light & Time) | DW and general SF | |
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 1985 | Chicago | Illinois | Hyatt Regency | TARDIS 22 (Spirit of Light) | Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Janet Fielding, Louise Jameson, Elisabeth Sladen, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, Terry Walsh, Lalla Ward, John Nathan-Turner, John Levene, Richard Franklin, Anthony Ainley, Paul Darrow, Jacqueline Pearce | Report on local news. Blakes 7 shown in video room. Photos HERE. Photo in the Sun-Times. Troughton and Pertwee did local radio interviews on the 27th. |
Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 1985 | New York (Manhattan) | New York | Roosevelt Hotel | Creation | Terrance Dicks | Did Dicks ever wonder why he wasn't invited to Chicago? |
1985 | Nicholas Courtney | In his 2005 autobiography, "Still Getting Away With It", Courtney says he attended around 12 US conventions in 1985. We have identified (by date and name) only ten of them... | ||||
Jan. 11-12, 1986 | Chicago | Illinois | Continental Hotel | Creation | ||
Jan. 18-19, 1986 | Washington (Arlington, Va.) | District of Columbia | Hyatt Regency Crystal City | Creation | ||
Jan. 25-26, 1986 | Boston (Cambridge) | Massachusetts | Hyatt Regency Cambridge | Creation | ||
Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 1986 | Miami | Florida | Miami Airport Hilton | Omnicon VII | Patrick Troughton, John Nathan-Turner, Paul Darrow, Caroline Munro, James Doohan, Majel Barrett | DW, Blakes 7 and Star Trek. A photo of Troughton with Munro appears in Starlog 121 |
Feb. 1-2, 1986 | San Francisco | California | Holiday Inn Golden Gateway | Creation | ||
Feb. 21-23, 1986 | Madison | Wisconsin | Concourse Hotel | WisCon 10 (The Society for the Furtherance & Study of Fantasy & Science Fiction) | Roger Mueller, John Ostrander | Preview in the Wisconsin State Journal |
Feb. 22-23, 1986 | New York | New York | Roosevelt Hotel | Creation | Mark Strickson | |
Mar. 2, 1986 | Tampa | Florida | Tampa Theatre | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA and WEDU) | Colin Baker | Preview in the Tampa Bay Times |
Mar. 8-9, 1986 | Oakland | California | Hyatt Oakland | Creation | ||
Mar. 20, 1986 | Concord | New Hampshire | Highway Hotel | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton | Audio clips on YouTube HERE and HERE. Preview in the Nashua Telegraph. Review in Experience |
Mar. 22-23, 1986 | Orlando | Florida | Disneyland Hotel | Creation | ||
Mar. 23, 1986 | Trenton | New Jersey | War Memorial Auditorium | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton | |
Mar. 28-30,1986 | Macon | Georgia | Macon Hilton | Magnum Opus Con I | Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Louise Jameson | Pertwee and Jameson panel |
Apr. 4-6, 1986 | New York (Stony Brook) | New York | State University of NY | I-Con V | Jon Pertwee | |
Apr. 1986 | New Jersey | Patrick Troughton | ||||
Apr. 18-20, 1986 | Milwaukee | Wisconsin | Midway Motor Lodge | Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, Mary Tamm | Cancelled | |
Apr. 25-27, 1986 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry VII Inn and Lodge | Paradox | Patrick Troughton, Nicholas Courtney, |
Davison was beginning a six-week long convention tour, from late April to early June, but had to cancel his appearance at this event |
May 2-4, 1986 | Tampa | Florida | Tampa Airport Marriott | Whose 7 | Colin Baker, Michael Keating | DW and Blakes 7. Baker was mid-way through recording "The Mysterious Planet" segment of The Trial of a Time Lord |
May 2-4, 1986 | Atlanta | Georgia | Sheraton Century Center Hotel | Dixie Trek 86 | Peter Davison, John Nathan-Turner | Report on GPTV. Interviews and other footage from the event was broadcast live on GPTV:HERE and HERE. Preview in The Atlanta Constitution. Afterwards, Davison returned to London, but four days later was flying back to the US, in first class with Michael Grade to Washington DC... |
May 8, 1986 | Washington | District of Columbia | Doctor Who USA Tour | Peter Davison, Michael Grade | The inaugural launch of the travelling Doctor Who Exhibit - see our dedicated PAGE. Davison then spent the rest of May attending DWFCA conventions... | |
May 10-11, 1986 | New York (Manhattan) | New York | Roosevelt Hotel | Starlog SF, Horror & Fantasy Festival (Creation) | Nicholas Courtney | General SF |
May 17, 1986 | Denver | Colorado | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison | ||
May 18, 1986 | Phoenix | Arizona | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison | ||
May 23, 1986 | St. Paul | Minnesota | Prom Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison | Press coverage HERE |
May 23-25, 1986 | Austin | Texas | Austin Marriott Hotel | Who-Tex II | Jon Pertwee | Renamed The Next Regeneration in 1987 |
May 25-26, 1986 | New Brunswick | New Jersey | Hyatt Regency | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light with Aerosport Ltd.) | Colin Baker, Patrick Troughton, John Nathan-Turner, Lalla Ward, Frazer Hines, Louise Jameson, Bonnie Langford (1st con), Carole Ann Ford, Sarah Sutton, Mark Strickson | At the time of this convention and the one in Wisconsin a few days later (below), Bonnie Langford hadn't recorded any scenes for the series! (Production was half-way through the "Mindwarp" segment of The Trial of a Time Lord.) The con guests took time out to visit the Doctor Who USA Tour which was also in town. The stars also took part in the Hands Across America event. Interviews for the video Doctor Who Then & Now were also conducted at the convention |
May 25, 1986 | Boston | Massachusetts | Park Plaza Castle | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison | Interview with Davison conducted in Boston in Starlog 127 |
May 30-June 1, 1986 | Madison | Wisconsin | Wisconsin Union Theatre | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light and WHA) | Peter Davison, Lalla Ward, Louise Jameson, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, John Nathan-Turner, Bonnie Langford | Interview with Langford in Starlog 113, and Strickson in 128. Shada was shown. Report in DWB 40. TV ad for the event. Originally billed as "Econocon" at the Sheraton Inn. |
May 31-June 1, 1986 | San Francisco | California | Holiday Inn Golden Gateway | Official Starlog Festival | Terry Nation | |
June 28, 1986 | Portland | Oregon | Portland State University | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison | Preview in the Statesman Journal |
June 29, 1986 | San Jose | California | Convention Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Peter Davison | Davison likely recorded "An Interview with" for KTEH during this visit. |
July 11, 1986 | Cincinnati | Ohio | Hyatt Regency | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Louise Jameson | |
July 12, 1986 | Columbus | Ohio | University Hilton Inn | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Louise Jameson | |
July 12-13, 1986 | Boston (Cambridge) | Massachusetts | Hyatt Cambridge | Creation | ||
July 25-27, 1986 | San Jose | California | Red Lion Inn | Timecon 86 | DW and Star Trek. Report on local news | |
July 26-27, 1986 | Atlanta | Georgia | Omni Convention Center | Atlanta Fantasy Fair | Terry Nation | |
Aug. 1-3, 1986 | St. Louis | Missouri | Adam's Mark Hotel | Tardiscon/Time Festival '86 (Celestial Intervention Agency) | Colin Baker, Mark Strickson, |
Baker had completed the first studio recording session for the Vervoid segment of The Trial of a Time Lord |
Aug. 15-17, 1986 | Spokane | Washington | Sheraton-Spokane and Riverpark Convention Center | TimeFest '86 (IEDAWS) | In his 2005 autobiography, "Still Getting Away With It", Courtney mentions this poorly-run convention, at which the guests had to pay their own travel costs. They were to be reimbursed, but due to very poor attendance they were not paid. (It's possible Courtney has the dates and location mixed up, and is actually referring to the August 1985 Tampa event, which had a similar guest line-up and no one was paid.) Preview and review in The Spokesman-Review. | |
Aug. 22, 1986 | Trenton | New Jersey | War Memorial Auditorium | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Katy Manning | Preview in the Central Home News |
Aug. 23, 1986 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Hilton | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Katy Manning | |
Sept. 12, 1986 | Washington | District of Columbia | Washington Hilton | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | A bearded Colin Baker had completed all recording for his second season. Photos of the two Bakers on tour can be seen HERE. Interview with Tom Baker in Starlog 115, and Colin Baker in Starlog 115 and 118. Convention review in The Diamondback. |
Sept. 13, 1986 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Centre Hotel | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | Review in The Daily Pennsylvanian |
Sept. 14, 1986 | Nashville | Tennessee | Performing Arts Center | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | Postponed from Aug. 16-17 |
Sept. 18, 1986 | Atlanta | Georgia | Hyatt Regency | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | Article in the Journal-Constitution |
Sept. 19, 1986 | Milwaukee | Wisconsin | Auditorium | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | Review in the Sentinel |
Sept. 20-21, 1986 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Sheraton O'Hare | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | Reserved seat and autograph for the first one hundred $150 pledges to WTTW |
Sept. 26-27, 1986 | Boston | Massachusetts | Bayside Expo Center | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | Brief mention in Worcester Magazine |
Sept. 27-28, 1986 | New York (Brooklyn) | New York | Whovent 86 (Spirit of Light) | Tom Baker, Colin Baker | ||
Oct. 4, 1986 | Minneapolis | Minnesota | Minneapolis Armory | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, Colin Baker | |
Oct. 5, 1986 | Madison | Wisconsin | Madison Civic Center | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Patrick Troughton, Colin Baker | The Doctor Who USA Tour makes a stop at the convention |
Oct. 18, 1986 | Trenton | New Jersey | War Memorial Auditorium | A Day with Jon Pertwee (British American Television Society) (## Pertwee Tour) | Jon Pertwee, Paul Darrow? Michael Keating? | During October and November 1986, Jon Pertwee was to undertake a series of events around the east coast to celebrate his time as the Doctor. These were sponsored by the British American Television Society. He would be joined at various times by Patrick Troughton, Peter Davison, and Paul Darrow and Michael Keating (from Blake's 7) who were also in the US attending other events.
Pertwee was to make appearances in Trenton, New Jersey; Baltimore, Maryland; Boston, Massachusetts; Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Nashville, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana; Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and finally in Tampa, Florida. However, the actor fell ill during the tour and was unable to make it to some events. Troughton, Davison, Darrow and Keating did still attend without him. The tour was not deemed to be a success, with low turn-out, not helped by Pertwee's absence from his own show! These Pertwee Tour shows are marked ## in the table |
Oct. 19, 1986 | Baltimore | Maryland | Baltimore Convention Center | A Day with Jon Pertwee (British American Television Society) (## Pertwee Tour) | Jon Pertwee?; Patrick Troughton? |
It's known that Patrick Troughton was a replacement for Pertwee (who fell sick) at an event in Baltimore; it is likely to be this show, as it's the only 1986 convention that was in Baltimore prior to Troughton's death the following year, unless there is a further Baltimore event we don't know about? |
Oct. 25-26, 1986 | Niagara Falls | New York | Best Western Red Jacket Hotel | Fall-Con I 86 | Janet Fielding, John Nathan-Turner, ad says "Colin Baker or Patrick Troughton" | DW and general SF. Although the ads said "Baker or Troughton", it was the former who was there as the latter was at Infinicon - below |
Oct. 25-26, 1986 | New York | New York | Infinicon 86 | Patrick Troughton, Peter Davison, Paul Darrow, Caroline Munro, plus George Takei, Isaac Azimov | DW and general SF. It's possible the "Captain's Log" interviews shown on WNYC were filmed here. A photo of Troughton with Munro appears in Starlog 121 | |
Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 1986 | Boston | Massachusetts | Jon Pertwee's Halloween Weekend (British American Television Society) (## Pertwee Tour) | Jon Pertwee | ||
Nov. 2, 1986 | Boston (Wakefield) | Massachusetts | Wakefield Hilton | (## Pertwee Tour) | Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee | Is this the same as Pertwee's Halloween Weekend above, or a separate event that also included Troughton? |
Nov. 2-3, 1986 | Houston | Texas | Ramada Hotel | Doctorcon Minicon | ||
Nov. 8, 1986 | Albany | New York | Hilton Hotel | A Day with Jon Pertwee (British American Television Society) (## Pertwee Tour) | Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton, Paul Darrow | |
Nov. 9, 1986 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Hilton | A Day with Jon Pertwee (British American Television Society) (## Pertwee Tour) | Jon Pertwee | |
Nov. 14-16, 1986 | Nashville | Tennessee | (## Pertwee Tour?) | John Nathan-Turner | This may have been the Nashville stop of the Pertwee Tour; with JNT standing in for the absent star? If not, the Pertwee Tour event that was also held in Nashville was deemed a disaster, with only 60 people attending! | |
Nov. 21-23, 1986 | New Orleans | Louisiana | (## Pertwee Tour?) | John Nathan-Turner | This may have been the New Orleans stop of the Pertwee Tour, with JNT standing in for the absent star? | |
Nov. 23, 1986 | San Francisco | California | Sheraton Palace Hotel | Creation | Louise Jameson | Jameson did two conventions this week; this in California, and one (before or after?) in Philadelphia, but we don't have any details about this other event |
Nov. 23, 1986 | Sacramento | California | Red Lion Inn | Doctor Festival and Exhibit Tour | Colin Baker | Preview in The Sacramento Bee |
Nov. 27, 1986 | Orlando | Florida | Walt Disney World | Thanksgiving Day with Jon Pertwee (British American Television Society) (## Pertwee Tour) | Jon Pertwee | |
Nov. 28-30, 1986 | Chicago | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Colin Baker, Peter Davison, Patrick Troughton, John Nathan-Turner, Janet Fielding, Frazer Hines, Richard Franklin, Mark Strickson, Lalla Ward | Cancelled | |
Nov. 28-30, 1986 | Tampa | Florida | Tampa Theatre and the Tampa Hyatt Regency | Jon Pertwee's Thanksgiving Weekend Convention (British American Television Society) (## Pertwee Tour) | Jon Pertwee | This was the final event in the two-month long Pertwee Tour |
Jan. 3-4, 1987 | Boston (Cambridge) | Massachusetts | Hyatt Regency | Creation | Janet Fielding | |
Feb. 5-8, 1987 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | Oceanside Holiday Inn | Omnicon (Homecoming Celebration) | John Nathan-Turner, Gary Downie | Article in The Miami Herald |
Mar. 6-8, 1987 | Milford | Pennsylvania | Malibu Dude Ranch | Whoski 87 (The Prydonians of Prynceton) | Mark Strickson, |
Marter died Oct. 28, 1986 |
Mar. 7-8, 1987 | Atlanta | Georgia | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Sylvester McCoy (1st con), John Nathan-Turner | McCoy had his official press-call announcing him as the new Doctor in London on 2 March and signed his BBC contract four days later. The next day he was on a plane with JNT to attend this convention in Georgia. The evening of 7 March, McCoy and JNT joined Jon Pertwee (who was in town with the Doctor Who USA Tour) to be interviewed by Eric Luskin on Live from Atlanta. Video of McCoy's panel Interview with Sylvester McCoy in Starlog 120. | |
Mar. 8, 1987 | Bellingham | Washington | Western Washington University | Whovian Festival Tour (Doctor Who Club of Western Washington University and DWFCA) | Colin Baker | This was Baker's first US convention after he had been dropped from the series. The Trial of a Time Lord was shown. (Audio of Q&A panel with Colin Baker) |
Mar. 27-29, 1987 | New York (Stony Brook) | New York | State University of NY | I-Con VI | Colin Baker | |
Mar. 27-29, 1987 | Columbus | Georgia | Columbus Hilton | Magnum Opus Con II | Patrick Troughton, Louise Jameson, Anthony Ainley | It was during this event, on 28 March, that Troughton died. Footage of Ainley at the cabaret and Troughton's last panel |
Apr. 25-26, 1987 | Chicago | Illinois | Holiday Inn Mart Plaza | Creation | Terry Nation | |
May 22-24, 1987 | Atlanta | Georgia | Hyatt Regency | Dixie Trek 87 | Report on GPTV. | |
July 3-5, 1987 | Chicago (Lisle) | Illinois | Hickory Ridge Conference Center | John Nathan-Turner, Janet Fielding | Cancelled. From 2-3 July, Fielding had been in Grand Rapids, Michigan with the Doctor Who USA Tour | |
July 5, 1987 | Minneapolis | Minnesota | Creation? | Louise Jameson | ||
July 18, 1987 | Des Moines | Iowa | Marriott Hotel | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Louise Jameson | Preview in the Des Moines Register |
July 25?, 1987 | St. Paul | Minnesota | Whovian Festival Tour (DWFCA) | Louise Jameson | ||
July 31-Aug. 2, 1987 | San Jose | California | San Jose Convention Center | Timecon 87 | Colin Baker | |
Sept. 4-6, 1987 | Austin | Texas | Hyatt Regency | The Next Regeneration (Austin Meetings) | Jon Pertwee, John Levene, Anthony Ainley | Continues Who-Tex |
Oct. 10-12, 1987 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Holiday Inn O'Hare | The First All British Television Convention (Brit. T.V.) | Richard Franklin, Dave Rogers (The Avengers author) | |
Nov. 27-29, 1987 | New York (Manhattan) | New York | Penta Hotel | Creation | John Nathan-Turner | |
Jan. 9-10, 1988 | Washington | District of Columbia | George Washington University | Ode to the Time Lord and Master (National Right to Time Travel Association) | Anthony Ainley, Louise Jameson, Carole Ann Ford, John Levene | Postponed from Sept. 1987. |
Feb. 5-7, 1988 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | Oceanside Holiday Inn | Omnicon VIII | John Nathan-Turner, Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, Gary Downie, Jack Horkheimer | JNT and Downie had been holidaying in the US for several weeks, visiting Honolulu and Florida. This was the final US convention appearance by JNT's beard. He shaved it off soon after returning to the UK... |
Mar. 18-20, 1988 | Kansas City | Missouri | Hilton Plaza Inn | Time-Loop '88 (Chancellory Guard of Kansas City) | John Levene, Anthony Ainley, Mark Strickson, Deborah Watling | The car ferrying Watling and Strickson from the airport to their hotel ran out of gas, and then the day before the convention, the two actors were involved in a minor car accident while visiting a shopping mall |
Mar. 25-27, 1988 | Columbus (Macon) | Georgia | Iron Works Convention and Trade Center | Magnum Opus III | Colin Baker, Anthony Ainley | |
Apr. 15-17, 1988 | New York (Stony Brook) | New York | State University of NY | I-Con VII | Sylvester McCoy, Anthony Ainley | Location filming for Remembrance of the Daleks had just been completed. Interview with McCoy in Starlog 134 |
May 1, 1988 | Trenton | New Jersey | War Memorial Auditorium | Relaxicon 1 | Sylvester McCoy? | McCoy would have just finished all work on Remembrance of the Daleks |
May 6-8, 1988 | Seattle | Washington | Hyatt Hotel | Anglicon | Terry Nation, Paul Darrow, |
British media con |
May 13-15, 1988 | Atlanta | Georgia | Sheraton Century Center Hotel | Dixie Trek 88 | Jon Pertwee?, Nicholas Courtney | Report on GPTV. Article in the Journal-Constitution |
May 1988 | Houston | Texas | Doctorcon | |||
July 1-3, 1988 | St. Paul | Minnesota | Radisson Hotel | The 1988 North American Time Festival (Whoniversity) | Jon Pertwee, Frazer Hines, Janet Fielding, |
To celebrate 25 years of Doctor Who. JNT was due to attend but his invitation was cancelled at the last minute by the organizers. Articles in The Pioneer Press and The Star Tribune. |
July 16-17, 1988 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel | Creation | Mark Strickson | |
July 29-31, 1988 | San Jose | California | LeBaron Hotel | Timecon 88 | Nicola Bryant, |
McCoy cancelled due to work delays on The Happiness Patrol. |
Aug. 12-14, 1988 | St. Louis | Missouri | Park Terrace Airport Hilton | Tardiscon '88 / Confusion (Celestial Intervention Agency) | Colin Baker, John Leeson, Michael Keating | Interview with Leeson in Starlog 143 |
Sept. 24-25, 1988 | Denver | Colorado | Regency Hotel | Starcon 88 | possibly no DW guests | |
Oct. 2, 1988 | Dayton | Ohio | Holiday Inn | |||
Oct. 1988 | San Jose | California | Sylvester McCoy | Work on Season 25 was completed. McCoy was now rehearsing for the play Zoo of Tranquility (Reading Evening Post 14 Oct.1988.) While in San Jose, McCoy (now sporting a moustache!) was interviewed for a second time by KTEH for their An Interview with series. | ||
Oct. 14-16, 1988 | St. Louis | Missouri | Breckenridge Frontenac Hotel | John Levene, Janet Fielding, Frazer Hines | Postponed to Mar. 31-Apr. 2, 1989 | |
Oct. 1988 | Cleveland | Ohio | (A Day with the Doctor I?) (cancelled?) | Multi-media event. John Nathan-Turner was to have been a guest, but was dropped when the event organizers decided he was too expensive! The event appears to have been cancelled anyway. | ||
Nov. 19, 1988 | Newark | New Jersey | Newark Airport Marriott | 25th Anniversary Birthday Party | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, John Nathan-Turner | Sponsored by the network, McCoy and Aldred were invited to attend the premiere screening of The Making of Doctor Who (Silver Nemesis), and to record pledges for NJN. McCoy and JNT then departed to attend the Silver Anniversary Cruise from Miami, which sailed to Mexico and around the Caribbean from 20-25 November - see below. Notice in The Press of Atlantic City. Video of the panel |
Nov. 20-25, 1988 | Miami | Florida | SS Galileo | Silver Anniversary Cruise | Sylvester McCoy, John Nathan-Turner, Frazer Hines, Colin Baker?, Sarah Sutton, Gary Downie? | Interview with Sutton in Starlog 144 |
Feb. 1989 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | S.P.I.con | Deborah Watling | ||
Mar. 10-12, 1989 | Chicago | Illinois | South Expo Center | First Intergalactic Expo (DWFCA as Out of This World Productions) | Colin Baker, Terry Nation, Nichelle Nichols, Kevin Pollak | Ron Katz is interviewed on WTTW. Full page ad in Whovian Times vol. 18. |
Mar. 15, 1989 | Athens | Georgia | Komix Castle | Sylvester McCoy | Comic book shop signing. Advertisement in The Red & Black | |
Mar. 17-19, 1989 | Greenville | South Carolina | Hyatt Regency | Magnum Opus IV | Sylvester McCoy | McCoy visited the U. of SC campus on the 16th. A few days later he commenced filming for The Curse of Fenric. |
Mar. 31-Apr. 2, 1989 | St. Louis | Missouri | Breckinridge Frontenec Hotel | St. Louis Fantasy Fan Fair | John Levene, Janet Fielding, plus Linda Thorson and Walter Koenig | General SF / Fantasy event. Originally scheduled for Oct. 14-16, 1988 |
Mar. 31-Apr. 2, 1989 | New York (Stony Brook) | New York | State University of NY | I-Con 8 | Sylvester McCoy | |
May 26-28, 1989 | Chicago (Lincolnwood) | Illinois | Lincolnwood Hyatt | Brit-TV II Conseminar | Terry Nation, Gerry Davis, John Freeman (DWM), |
British media con. It was at this event that Freeman pitched an animated Dalek TV series to Nation |
June 16-18, 1989 | Atlanta | Georgia | Radisson | Dixie Trek 89 | Jon Pertwee | DW and Star Trek |
June 30-July 2, 1989 | St. Paul | Minnesota | Radisson | PolarisCon I | Sylvester McCoy, John Levene, George Takei, Walter Koenig, |
DW and Star Trek. McCoy had completed all work on Survival |
July 28-30, 1989 | San Jose | California | LeBaron Hotel | Timecon 89 | Janet Fielding, John Levene | Review in The Stanford Daily |
Sept. 22-24, 1989 | Columbus | Ohio | Ramada Inn | Timelord '89 (aka North American Time Festival) (Timelords of the Miami Valley) | Anthony Ainley, Terry Nation, Ron Katz, |
Nicholas Courtney had been invited, but was "dropped". Sylvester McCoy was to be a surprise guest, but he, John Nathan-Turner and Gary Downie never showed up! (In a fax later sent by Nathan-Turner, they claimed that their plane tickets never arrived so they never made their flight.) Report in DWB 72. |
Nov. 10-11, 1989 | St. Louis | Missouri | Stouffer Concourse Hotel | Brits in Space | Sophie Aldred, John Levene, Paul Darrow, Michael Keating, Jacqueline Pearce | |
Nov. 24-26, 1989 | New York (Manhattan) | New York | Penta Hotel | Creation | Sophie Aldred | |
Jan. 7-14, 1990 | Miami | Florida | Omnicon British Fantaseas Cruise | John Nathan-Turner, Gary Downie | ||
Feb. 2-4, 1990 | Dallas (Addison) | Texas | Harvey Hotel | Whofest '90 (KERA) | Colin Baker, Terry Nation, |
Preview in The Dallas Morning News |
Mar. 17, 1990 | Baltimore | Maryland | Omni Hotel | A Day with the Doctor (Friends of Doctor Who) | Tom Baker, Sophie Aldred | Photos of Baker and Aldred together, HERE (bottom of page). Report in DWB 77. Preview in The Evening Sun. |
Mar. 23-25, 1990 | Greenville | South Carolina | Hyatt Regency | Magnum Opus V | Terry Nation | |
Mar. 30-Apr. 1, 1990 | Rochester | New York | Sylvester McCoy | cancelled | ||
Mar. 31-Apr. 1, 1990 | New York (Stony Brook) | New York | State University of NY | I-Con IX | Sylvester McCoy | |
May 4-6, 1990 | Seattle | Washington | Radisson Hotel Seattle Airport | Anglicon III | Nicholas Courtney, Roy Dotrice | British media con |
May 25-28, 1990 | Los Angeles | California | Los Angeles Airport Hilton | Gallifrey One | Jon Pertwee, John Levene, John Nathan-Turner, Jean-Marc Lofficier | Convention lost money due to limited attendance, the debt for which was settled through bonds and loans paid back by the organization by 2001. JNT had just been made redundant from the BBC... |
June 15-17, 1990 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | Penn Towers Hotel | Timewarp 90 | John Nathan-Turner, Anthony Ainley?, Colin Baker? | This was JNT's final convention in his capacity as the staff producer of Doctor Who; his final day at the BBC was 31 August 1990 |
July 6-8, 1990 | Athens | Ohio | A Happening at the Inn | Jon Pertwee? | ||
July 6-8, 1990 | Columbus | Ohio | Tour de Force One | Jon Pertwee?, Nicholas Courtney | ||
July 27-29, 1990 | San Jose | California | Timecon 90 | Anthony Ainley | ||
Aug. 11-12, 1990 | San Francisco (Concord) | California | Sheraton | Unicon 90 | Colin Baker, Nicholas Courtney, John Levene, |
DW and Blakes 7. Nation was unable to attend due to illness. Footage from this event featured on BSB's 31 Who weekend special, broadcast 22 September 1990 |
Aug. 18, 1990 | Cleveland | Ohio | Cleveland Music Hall | A Day with the Doctor II (Friends of Doctor Who) | Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy | Using video effects, Baker "regenerated" into McCoy, as can be seen HERE. Report in DWB 82 and 84 |
Sept. 1-3, 1990 | Newark | New Jersey | Airport Marriott | Sylvester McCoy | Cancelled. McCoy was already in the US, and caught a flight home, arriving back in the UK in the early hours of Sunday, 2 September in time to make his planned appearance at the TARDIS in Durham convention by 10.30am! | |
Sept. 23-25, 1990 | Urbana | Ohio | Timelord '90 (Time Lords of Ohio) | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Anthony Ainley, David Banks, John Levene | ||
Sept. 29-30, 1990 | St. Paul (Roseville) | Minneapolis | Pseudocon (The Whoniversity) | John Levene, |
Oct. 6-7, 1990 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry the 8th Hotel | Creation | Sarah Sutton | |
Nov. 23–25, 1990 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Visions '90 | Jon Pertwee, Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Frazer Hines, Jean-Marc Lofficier | Originally called "A British TV Celebration" |
Dec. 8, 1990 | New York (Melville, Long Island) | New York | Radisson Plaza | A Holiday Extravaganza (Friends of Doctor Who) | Tom Baker, Sophie Aldred | Baker recited "A Christmas Carol" |
Feb. 1-3, 1991 | Orlando | Florida | Ramada Hotel | Omnicon | Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy | Postponed |
Mar. 22-24, 1991 | Dallas | Texas | Dallas Park Plaza Hotel | WhoFest '91 (KERA) | Peter Davison, John Levene | Review in the Big Spring Herald |
Apr. 6, 1991 | Indianapolis | Indiana | Warren Performing Arts Center | WhoosierCon I (Whoosier Network) | Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning, John Levene, Richard Franklin, John Freeman (DWM), with Nicholas Courtney via telephone | Report in DWB 91. Post con 'thank yous' at |
Apr. 19-21, 1991 | New York (Stony Brook) | New York | State University of NY | I-Con X | Sylvester McCoy, John Levene, |
Apr. 26-28, 1991 | Greenville | South Carolina | Greenville Hyatt | Magnum Opus VI | John Levene | Advertisement in Flagpole |
May 3-5, 1991 | Los Angeles (Pasadena) | California | Pasadena Hilton | Gallifrey One: The Sequel | Sylvester McCoy, Deborah Watling, Richard Franklin, John Levene, |
June 1991 | Philadelphia (King of Prussia) | Pennsylvania | Anthony Ainley | Cancelled | ||
July 1991 | Ann Arbor? | Michigan | Perpetual Tea Party | Doctor Who, Star Trek, British TV | ||
Aug. 9-11, 1991 | Bloomington | Minnesota | Thunderbird Hotel and Convention Center | PolarisCon II (Time, Space, & Fantasy, Inc.) | Peter Davison, Nichelle Nichols | DW and Star Trek |
Nov. 8-10, 1991 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Sheraton at Monarch Place | Wishcon | No Doctor Who guests | |
Nov. 29–Dec. 1, 1991 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Visions '91 | Tom Baker, David Banks, Jeremy Bentham, John Levene, Mark Strickson, Mary Tamm, Deborah Watling | Article in the Chicago Tribune |
Feb. 21-23, 1992 | Los Angeles | California | Los Angeles Airport Hilton | Gallifrey One in 3-D | Nicholas Courtney, Sophie Aldred, John Levene | |
Mar. 28-29, 1992 | Indianapolis | Indiana | Best Western Waterfront Plaza Hotel | WhoosierCon II (Whoosier Network) | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Craig Charles, |
DW and Red Dwarf |
Mar. 26-29, 1992 | Georgia? | Magnum Opus VII | ||||
May 23, 1992 | Boston | Massachusetts | Boston University | United Fan Con | Sophie Aldred, John Levene | |
July 11-12, 1992 | San Francisco (Concord) | California | Sheraton Hotel | Unicon | Peter Davison | |
July 24-26, 1992 | San Jose | California | Red Lion Inn | Con-Fused | Colin Baker | media con |
Aug. 21-23, 1992 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry VIII Hotel | Tardiscon '92 (Celestial Intervention Agency) | Sophie Aldred, John Levene | |
Sept. 4-7, 1992 | Minneapolis | Minnesota | Park Inn International | Anthony Ainley, John Levene | Cancelled | |
Oct. 16-18, 1992 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry VIII Hotel | Fantasy Fair 92 | Sophie Aldred, Frazer Hines, Anthony Ainley | |
Nov. 6-8, 1992 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Sheraton at Monarch Place | Wishcon II | No Doctor Who guests | |
Nov. 27–29, 1992 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Ramada O'Hare | Visions '92 | Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant | Previews in the Chicago Sun-Times and the Daily Herald. Interview with Baker and Bryant on YouTube |
Feb. 20-21, 1993 | Boston | Massachusetts | Copley Plaza Hotel | K&L Productions | Jon Pertwee | SF media con |
Feb. 26-28, 1993 | Los Angeles (Burbank) | California | Burbank Airport Hilton | Gallifrey One Goes Fourth | Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, John Levene, Jean-Marc Lofficier | |
Mar. 20, 1993 | Baltimore (Linthicum) | Maryland | BWI Marriott Hotel | Friends of Doctor Who Birthday Bash | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred | McCoy and Aldred appeared live during the pledge-drive for Maryland Public Television later the same night |
Mar. 21, 1993 | Boston (Waltham) | Massachusetts | Brandeis University | Universicon VI | Sylvester McCoy | |
Apr. 16-18, 1993 | New York (Stony Brook) | New York | State University of NY | I-Con XII | Jon Pertwee, Sylvester McCoy | DW, Star Trek and Babylon 5 |
May 14-16, 1993 | Seattle | Washington | SeaTac Radisson Hotel | Anglicon VI | Colin Baker | Preview in the Morning News Tribune |
June 4-6, 1993 | Oklahoma City | Oklahoma | Central Plaza Hotel | Thundercon 3 | Sylvester McCoy | |
Nov. 19-21, 1993 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Sheraton | WishCon III | John Levene, Wendy Padbury | Article in the Union-News |
Nov. 21-28, 1993 | Miami | Florida | Who Cruise '93 | Sylvester McCoy, Nicholas Courtney, John Nathan-Turner, Gary Downie | ||
Nov. 26–28, 1993 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Visions '93 | Peter Davison, Colin Baker, |
Article in the Chicago Tribune. The unaired "Big Ron" version of Dimensions of Time was shown. |
1993 | Panopticon 8 | Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts | ||||
Feb. 18-21, 1994 | Los Angeles (Glendale) | California | Glendale Red Lion Inn | A Fifth of Gallifrey One | Colin Baker, Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts, John Levene, Jean-Marc Lofficier | Lowest attended Gallifrey One convention in its history, mostly due to Northridge earthquake (taking place exactly one month prior). Philip Segal attended the convention incognito |
June 10-12, 1994 | Denver | Colorado | Best Western Executive Suites | Britannicon (KBDI) | Colin Baker, Sophie Aldred | |
Nov. 18-20, 1994 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Sheraton at Monarch Place | Wishcon IV | Nicola Bryant | |
Nov. 25–27, 1994 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Visions '94 | Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, John Levene | Article in the Chicago Tribune |
Feb. 24-26, 1995 | Los Angeles (Irvine) | California | Radisson Plaza Irvine | The Six Wives of Gallifrey One | Peter Davison, Philip Segal, John Levene, Jean-Marc Lofficier | First event to preview developments for what would be the TV Movie, with producer Philip Segal making his first US appearance, and (at the time) fan liaison Jean-Marc Lofficier. Report on Segal's panel and interview in DWM 226 |
Nov. 3-5, 1995 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Sheraton | Wishcon 5 (U.S. Branch of Unit) | Mary Tamm, John Peel | Renamed United Fan Con in 1996 |
Nov. 24–26, 1995 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Visions '95 | Sophie Aldred, Brian Blessed, Michael Craze, Sylvester McCoy, Terry Walsh, Anneke Wills, Paul Cornell | While there, Aldred promoted the fan-made video Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans which had recently been released in the US |
Feb. 16-19, 1996 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | The Seventh Seal of Gallifrey One | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, John Levene, Philip Segal, Terry Walsh, Jean-Marc Lofficier | Full video preview of 1996 TV movie first debuted. Sci-Fi Channel's Sci-Fi Buzz attended and interviewed the guests: YouTube 1 and YouTube 2 |
Mar. 16, 1996 | Tucson | Arizona | The Good Earth Restaurant, 6366 E. Broadway | (The United Whovians of Tucson) | John Levene | |
Mar. 29-30, 1996 | Wilmington | North Carolina | Coast Line Convention Center | Wholucination I | Anthony Ainley, |
May 3-5, 1996 | Seattle | Washington | SeaTac Quality Inn | Anglicon IX | Anneke Wills, Gillian Horvarth, Donna Lettow | British media con |
May 11, 1996 | Los Angeles | California | Ambrosia Books and Collectibles | Doctor Who: A Celebration (The Time Meddlers of Los Angeles) | John Levene, Randy and Jean-Marc Lofficier | |
June 28-30, 1996 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry VIII Hotel | John Levene, Robert Llewellyn | DW and Red Dwarf. Cancelled. Postponed to 1997. | |
July 5-6, 1996 | Minneapolis | Minnesota | Holiday Inn North | Media Live | Philip Segal | |
Nov. 1-3, 1996 | Springfield | Massachusetts | United Fan Con VI (U.S. Branch of Unit) | Mary Tamm, John Peel | Earlier events were called Wishcon | |
Nov. 29–Dec. 1, 1996 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Visions '96 | Colin Baker, Yee Jee Tso, Philip Segal, Sarah Sutton, Lalla Ward, Deborah Watling, Paul Cornell, Gary Russell | Previews in the Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune. Article in the Chicago Sun-Times |
Feb. 14-16, 1997 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | Gallifrey One Across the Eighth Dimension | Philip Segal, Michael Craze, Anneke Wills, Yee Jee Tso, John Levene, Jean-Marc Lofficier, Gary Russell, |
Jon Pertwee accepted the convention's invitation to be a guest in 1997 in May 1996, but died three weeks after sending his acceptance letter. First Gallifrey One to feature novelists from the Virgin New/Missing Adventures book series. |
Apr. 18-20, 1997 | Seattle | Washington | Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel | Anglicon X | Philip Segal | British media con |
May 9-11, 1997 | Albuquerque | New Mexico | Howard Johnson's East | Anneke Wills, John Levene, Yee Jee Tso | The convention was cancelled, but that was never announced so several people still showed up! | |
May 13-27, 1997 | Tampa | Florida | Regal Empress | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise (WUSF) | Sylvester McCoy, |
June 27-29, 1997 | St. Louis | Missouri | Henry VIII Hotel | John Levene, Robert Llewellyn | DW and Red Dwarf. Postponed from 1996 and cancelled. | |
Oct. 12, 1997 | Sacramento | California | Beverly Garland Hotel | Mysticon '97 | Nicola Bryant, John Levene | |
Oct. 31–Nov. 2, 1997 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con VII | Caroline John, Geoffrey Beevers | |
Nov. 28–30, 1997 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | Visions '97 | Peter Davison, Frazer Hines, Louise Jameson | Article in the Chicago Tribune |
Feb. 13-15, 1998 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | The Nine Lives of Gallifrey One | Colin Baker, Deborah Watling, Matthew Waterhouse, Gary Russell, Paul Cornell, Keith Topping, Martin Day, Jac Rayner, Steve Cole, David J Howe, David McIntee, Dave Owen, Gary Gillatt | Gillatt wrote about his convention experience and conducted fan interviews for DWM 264, published in April 1998 |
May 15-17, 1998 | Tacoma | Washington | Best Western Executive Inn | Anglicon XI | John Levene | British media con. Review in Seattle Gay News |
Nov. 20-22, 1998 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con VIII | Louise Jameson | Article in The Union News |
Nov. 27–29, 1998 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Hyatt Regency O'Hare | HME Visions '98 | Geoffrey Beevers, Louise Jameson, Caroline John, Sylvester McCoy, Mark Strickson | |
Feb. 12-15, 1999 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | The Tenth Planet of Gallifrey One | Nicholas Courtney, Wendy Padbury, Daphne Ashbrook, Lisa Bowerman, Andrew Cartmel, Philip Segal, Mike Tucker, Gary Gillatt | First convention appearance by Daphne Ashbrook. |
July 2-4, 1999 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Radisson South | CONvergence | Gary Russell | speculative fiction con |
Dec. 13-18, 1999 | Miami | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cuise | Peter Davison | ||
Feb. 18-20, 2000 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | The Eleventh Hour of Gallifrey One | Peter Davison, Terrance Dicks, Justin Richards, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Stephen Cole, Paul Cornell, Dave Stone, Kate Orman, Jonathan Blum, Mike Tucker, Keith Topping, Jonathan Miller, Bill Baggs, Gary Gillatt | |
Nov. 10-12, 2000 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con X | Frazer Hines | |
Nov. 24-26, 2000 | Chicago (Arlington Heights) | Illinois | Sheraton Arlington Park | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Sylvester McCoy, Mary Tamm, John Leeson, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell | |
Feb. 23-25, 2001 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | The Twelfth Regeneration of Gallifrey One | Bonnie Langford, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, India Fisher, Lisa Bowerman, Justin Richards, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Alistair Lock, David J. Howe, Philip Segal, Keith Barnfather, Bill Baggs, Jo Castleton, Nigel Fairs, Peter Anghelides, Arnold T. Blumberg, Simon Bucher-Jones, Stephen Cole, Paul Cornell, Sue Cowley, Gary Gillatt, Craig Hinton, Chris Howarth, Steve Lyons, Jon De Burgh Miller, Dave Owen, Lance Parkin, Lars Pearson, Steve Roberts, Philip Segal, Dave Stone, Keith Topping, Nick Walters | Largest-ever appearance of writers from Big Finish Productions, Virgin & BBC Doctor Who book lines outside the UK at a Doctor Who event. The Reeltime Pictures documentary An Englishman On Gallifrey was recorded at the event |
July 7, 2001 | Los Angeles | California | Ambrosia Books and Collectibles | A Day with Elisabeth Sladen | Elisabeth Sladen | |
Nov. 9-10, 2001 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con XI | Colin Baker | |
Nov. 23-25, 2001 | Chicago (Arlington Heights) | Illinois | Sheraton Arlington Park | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Nicholas Courtney, John Levene, Richard Franklin, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell, Caroline Morris | |
Feb. 15-18, 2002 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | The Thirteenth Floor of Gallifrey One | Carole Ann Ford, Frazer Hines, Anneke Wills, Maggie Stables, Mark McDonnell, Dan Freedman, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Nicholas Briggs, Philip Segal, Bill Baggs, Keith Barnfather, Jonathan Blum, Keith Topping, Paul Cornell, Paul Ebbs, David J. Howe, Rob Shearman, Caroline Symcox, Dave Stone | |
Nov. 8-10, 2002 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con XII | Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin | |
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2002 | Chicago (Arlington Heights) | Illinois | Sheraton Arlington Park | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, Jason Haigh-Ellery | |
Feb. 14-17, 2003 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | Gallifrey One: Episode XIV - The Faction Paradox | Peter Davison, Colin Baker, India Fisher, Caroline Morris, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, David J. Howe, Stephen James Walker, Mark Donovan, Clayton Hickman, Lance Parkin, Kate Orman, Jonathan Blum, Peter Anghelides, Nev Fountain, Paul Cornell, Caroline Symcox, Lloyd Rose, David McIntee, Dale Smith, Keith Topping, Paul Ebbs, Mark Wright, Jon de Burgh Miller | Review in Modern Fix |
Nov. 7-9, 2003 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con XIII | Peter Davison, Katy Manning, Matthew Waterhouse | |
Nov. 28-30, 2003 | Chicago (Arlington Heights) | Illinois | Sheraton Northwest | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Colin Baker, Frazer Hines, Anneke Wills, Michael Sheard, Jason Haigh-Ellery, India Fisher | |
Feb. 13-16, 2004 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | Gallifrey One's 15 Minutes of Fame | Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy, Janet Fielding, Paul Darrow, Yee Jee Tso, India Fisher, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell, Susannah Harker, Philip Segal, John Ainsworth, Helen Baggs, Lee Binding, David Bishop, Jonathan Blum, Arnold T. Blumberg, Paul Cornell, Jon de Burgh Miller, Christa Dickson, Paul Ebbs, Nigel Fairs, Clayton Hickman, David J. Howe, Jean-Marc and Randy Lofficier, Kate Orman, Tessa Shaw | First US convention appearance by Paul McGann |
March 26-28, 2004 | Boston (Quincy) | Massachusetts | Quincy Marriott | United Fan Con East | Elisabeth Sladen, Terry Molloy | |
Nov. 5-7, 2004 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con XIV | Deborah Watling | |
Nov. 26-28, 2004 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Wyndham | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Paul McGann, Peter Purves, Terry Molloy, Yee Jee Tso, Stewart Bevan, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell, India Fisher, Robert Shearman | |
Feb. 18-20, 2005 | Los Angeles (Van Nuys) | California | Airtel Plaza Hotel | The Sixteen Swashbucklers of Gallifrey One | Elisabeth Sladen, Katy Manning, Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin, Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts, Robert Shearman, Paul Cornell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell, Lisa Bowerman, Toby Longworth, Simon A. Forward, Craig Hinton, Martin Day, Keith Topping, Scott Alan Woodard, Caroline Symcox, Darin Henry, Nev Fountain, David J. Howe, Arnold T. Blumberg, Nigel Fairs, John Binns, John Ainsworth, Bill Baggs, Tessa Shaw, Mark Donovan, Peter Ware | A camera crew from Doctor Who Confidential was at the convention; interviews conducted there appeared in the edition titled "The World of Who", which played after the New Series episode Bad Wolf, on 11 June 2005. (One of the editors of this very website makes a fleeting appearance!) |
Nov. 11-13, 2005 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con XV | Sylvester McCoy | |
Nov. 25-27, 2005 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Wyndham | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Peter Davison, Nicola Bryant, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell, Maggie Stables, Robert Shearman, Nigel Fairs | Preview in the Chicago Sun-Times |
Feb. 17-19, 2006 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One in the 17th and a Half Century | Louise Jameson, Noel Clarke, Mary Tamm, Philip Olivier, Pamela Salem, David Warwick, John Schwab, Alan Ruscoe, Nicholas Briggs, Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss, Rob Shearman, Paul Cornell, Keith Boak, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Steve Roberts, Caroline Symcox, James Swallow, David Bishop, Nev Fountain, Keith Topping, Scott Alan Woodard, Darin Henry, Ian Hallard, Jon de Burgh Miller, David J. Howe, Bill Baggs | The first Gallifrey con to feature actor guests from the New Series. It was also the last to feature the Saturday evening cabaret |
Nov. 10-12, 2006 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con XVI | Mark Strickson | |
Nov. 24-26, 2006 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Wyndham | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Maureen O’Brien, Gabriel Woolf, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Clare Buckfield, Nigel Fairs | |
Feb. 16-18, 2007 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | The Eighteenth Amendment of Gallifrey One | Colin Baker, Caroline John, Steven Moffat, Terry Molloy, Eric Roberts, Geoffrey Beevers, Maggie Stables, John Levene, Ben Aaronovitch, Mike Tucker, Tom MacRae, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Paul Cornell, Peter Anghelides, Steve Roberts, Keith Topping, Simon Guerrier, Caroline Symcox, David J Howe, Darin Henry, Scott Alan Woodard, Arnold T Blumberg, Bill Baggs, The OFFSTAGE Theatre Group | The OFFSTAGE Theatre Group performed their three-hour long play "The Ten Doctors", which was interrupted mid-way when the fire alarm went off. Colin Baker cameoed as Commander Maxil! |
Nov. 2-4, 2007 | Springfield | Massachusetts | Springfield Marriott | United Fan Con XVII | Wendy Padbury | |
Nov. 23-25, 2007 | Chicago (Rosemont) | Illinois | Crowne Plaza | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Eric Roberts, Eliza Roberts, Nicholas Briggs, Robert Shearman, Jason Haigh-Ellery | |
Feb. 15-17, 2008 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One's Nineteenth Symphony: Opus 2008 | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Steven Moffat, Daphne Ashbrook, Andrew Cartmel, Lisa Bowerman, Moya Brady, Sean Gallagher, Derek Riddell, Joel Hodgson, Josh Weinstein, Paul Cornell, Rob Shearman, James Moran, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Mark Ayres, Steve Roberts, Simon Guerrier, Andy Lane, Caroline Symcox, Scott Alan Woodard, Arnold T Blumberg, David J Howe, Keith Topping, Lars Pearson, Christa Dickson | |
May 23-26, 2008 | Atlanta | Georgia | Holiday Inn Select | TimeGate VI | John Levene, Lars Pearson | The first five events (2005-2007) had no celebrity guests |
Nov. 8, 2008 | Massachusetts | Cambridge | New England Fan Experience | Peter Davison | ||
Nov. 28-30, 2008 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Colin Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Paul Cornell, Nicholas Briggs, Robert Shearman, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Simon Guerrier, India Fisher, Lisa Bowerman, Ciara Janson | Article in the Chicago Sun-Times |
Feb. 13-15, 2009 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: 20 to Life | Phil Collinson, Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Gareth David-Lloyd, Kai Owen, Naoko Mori, Daphne Ashbrook, Phil Ford, Keith Temple, Paul Cornell, James Moran, Toby Hadoke, Rob Shearman, Gary Russell, Laura Doddington, Ciara Janson, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Tony Lee, Wendy Pini, John Levene, Callum Blue, David J Howe, Simon Guerrier, Peter Anghelides, Steve Roberts, Scott Alan Woodard, Caroline Symcox, Mark Wright, Nev Fountain | |
May 22-24, 2009 | Atlanta | Georgia | Holiday Inn Select | TimeGate VII | Mary Tamm, Terrance Dicks, Lars Pearson | |
Aug. 21, 2009 | Orlando | Florida | Cricketers Arms Pub | An Evening with the Doctor | Sylvester McCoy | |
Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2009 | Orlando | Florida | Ramada Orlando Celebration Resort and Convention Center | Hurricane Who | Gareth David-Lloyd, Louise Jameson, India Fisher, Rob Shearman, Simon Guerrier, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Tony Lee, Toby Hadoke, Colin Spaull | |
Nov. 23, 2009 | New York | New York | Café 50 West | An Evening with Louise Jameson | Louise Jameson | |
Nov. 27-29, 2009 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Paul McGann, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso, Naoko Mori, Phil Collinson, Gary Russell, Robert Shearman, Jason Haigh-Ellery, India Fisher, Nicholas Briggs | |
Feb. 26-28, 2010 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: Blackjack 21 | Katy Manning, Tommy Knight, Georgia Moffett, Graeme Harper, Louise Page, Deborah Watling, Anneke Wills, Frazer Hines, John Levene, Bob Baker, Andrew Hayden-Smith, Nicholas Briggs, Phil Ford, John Fay, Colin Teague, Alice Troughton, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso, Rob Shearman, Paul Cornell, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, John Pickard, Tony Lee, Pia Guerra, Matthew Dow Smith, Paul Tams, Scott Handcock, Steve Roberts, Kate Orman, Jonathan Blum, David J. Howe | The idea for BroaDWcast was born at this event |
Mar. 11, 2010 | Orlando | Florida | Hurricane Who: Greyhound One | Colin Baker, Frazer Hines, James Moran, Tony Lee, Tammy Garrison, Russell Tovey (?) | It's possible this event was cancelled | |
May 16, 2010 | New York | New York | Who York Event 3: An Evening with the 7th Doctor | Sylvester McCoy | ||
May 28-30, 2010 | Atlanta | Georgia | Holiday Inn Select | TimeGate VIII | Dominic Glynn | |
Nov. 26-28, 2010 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Lisa Bowerman, Nicholas Briggs, Gareth David-Lloyd, Terrance Dicks, Laura Doddington, Simon Guerrier, Toby Hadoke, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Frazer Hines, Louise Jameson, Ciara Janson, Tommy Knight, Tony Lee, Ian McNeice, Kai Owen, Gary Russell, Robert Shearman | |
Feb. 18-20, 2011 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One's Catch 22: Islands of Mystery | Peter Davison, Tracie Simpson, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Matthew Waterhouse, John Leeson, Frazer Hines, John Levene, Cush Jumbo, Paul Kasey, Neill Gorton, Rob Mayor, Ian McNeice, Gareth Roberts, Waris Hussein, Pamela Salem, Jane Espenson, Doris Egan, Phil Ford, Joss Agnew, James Moran, Daphne Ashbrook, Gary Russell, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Clayton Hickman | The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson recorded a segment here. BroaDWcast was officially launched at this event. |
May 27-29, 2011 | Atlanta | Georgia | Holiday Inn Select | TimeGate IX | Sophie Aldred, Andrew Cartmel, Ben Aaronovitch | |
Nov. 7-12, 2011 | Orlando | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Paul Marc Davis, Jeremy Bulloch | ||
Nov. 25-27, 2011 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Nicholas Briggs, Benjamin Cook, Richard Dinnick, Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Robert Shearman, Mark Sheppard, Andrew Hayden Smith, Matthew Waterhouse | Article in the Elgin Courier-News |
Feb. 17-19, 2012 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One's Network 23 | Paul McGann, Camille Coduri, William Russell, Mark Sheppard, Louise Jameson, Maureen O’Brien, Caitlin Blackwood, Richard Franklin, Tony Curran, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso, Eric Roberts, W. Morgan Sheppard, Simon Fisher-Becker, Philip Segal, Toby Haynes, Richard Senior, Eliza Roberts, Nicholas Briggs, Waris Hussein, Barnaby Edwards, Jason-Haigh-Ellery, Gary Russell, Jane Espenson, Doris Egan, John Shiban, Michael Troughton, Beth Chalmers, Lisa Greenwood, Philip Olivier, Nigel Fairs, Phil Ford, Charlie Ross, Simon Guerrier, Peter Anghelides, Richard Dinnick, Jake McGann, Jackie Jenkins, Keith Miller | The newly-restored TARDIS console from the TV Movie was on display for the first time |
May 25-27, 2012 | Atlanta | Georgia | Holiday Inn Select | TimeGate X | Paul Kasey, Paul Marc Davis | |
Oct. 5-7, 2012 | Minnesota | St. Louis Park (Twin Cities) | Doubletree Hotel Minneapolis-Park Place | Gaylaxicon | Gary Russell | |
Nov. 2-4, 2012 | Orlando | Florida | Doubletree by Hilton Orlando at Sea World | Hurricane Who: Category Three | Peter Davison, Caitlin Blackwood, Andrew Hayden Smith, Arlene Tur, Paul Marc Davis, Frazer Hines, Anjli Mohindra, Tony Lee | |
Nov. 23-25, 2012 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Sophie Aldred, Mark Ayres, Nicholas Briggs, Graeme Burk, Andrew Cartmel, Paul Marc Davis, Richard Dinnick, Simon Fisher-Becker, Burn Gorman, Lisa Greenwood, Toby Hadoke, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Sylvester McCoy, Ian McNeice, Anjli Mohindra, Gary Russell, Colin Spaull, Paul Spragg | |
Feb. 15-17, 2013 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | The 24 Hours of Gallifrey One | Freema Agyeman, |
Horsfall died Jan. 28. Review in LA Weekly |
May 24-26, 2013 | Atlanta | Georgia | Holiday Inn Select | TimeGate XI | Colin Baker, Andrew Cartmel, Colin Spaull | |
June 2013 | Huntsville | Alabama | Con Kasterborous | Caitlin Blackwood | The first event in 2012 had no celebrity guests | |
Oct. 19-26, 2013 | Miami | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Sylvester McCoy, Frazer Hines, Alan Ruscoe, Pamela Salem, Ian McNeice, Colin Spaull, Tommy Knight, Andrew Cartmel | ||
Nov. 1-3, 2013 | Orlando | Florida | Doubletree by Hilton Orlando at Sea World | Hurricane Who: Category Four | Colin Baker, Frazer Hines, Neve McIntosh, Daphne Ashbrook, Terrance Dicks, Tony Lee, Colin Spaull, Gareth David-Lloyd, David J. Howe, Tommy Knight | |
Nov. 8-10, 2013 | New York (Ronkonkoma) | New York | Holiday Inn Long Island-Islip Airport | L.I. Who | Sylvester McCoy, Daphne Ashbrook, Frazer Hines, Ian McNeice, Waris Hussein, Simon Fisher-Becker | Review in the Long Island Press |
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2013 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Freema Agyeman, Daphne Ashbrook, Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Tracey Childs, Peter Davison, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Frazer Hines, Richard Hope, Michael Jayston, Louise Jameson, Paul McGann, Dick Mills, Terry Molloy, Paul Spragg, Dan Starkey, Ed Stradling, Sarah Sutton, Nina Toussaint-White | Article in the Chicago Sun-Times |
Feb. 14-16, 2014 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: 25 Glorious Years | Colin Baker, Billie Piper, Arthur Darvill, Paul McGann, Katy Manning, Nicola Bryant, Jean Marsh, Matthew Waterhouse, Frazer Hines, Deborah Watling, John Levene, Richard Franklin, Tom Price, Gareth Thomas, Annette Badland, Mark Sheppard, Daphne Ashbrook, David Banks, Terrance Dicks, Tracey Childs, Lachele Carl, Stuart Milligan, Velile Tshabalala, Amy Pemberton, Chase Masterson, Ricco Ross, Emma Campbell-Jones, Sonita Henry, Jane Goddard, Ellie & Joseph Darcey-Alden, Steve Hughes, Toby Hadoke, Gary Russell, Derek Ritchie, Dominic Glynn, Paul Cornell, Jane Espenson, Rob Shearman, Stephen Cole, Keith Topping, Phil Ford, Peter Anghelides, Tony Lee, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Scott Handcock, David J. Howe, Steve Roberts | Review in El Paisano. Hadoke performed "Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf" and "My Stepson Stole My Sonic Screwdriver" |
May 16-18, 2014 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America | CONsole Room | Sophie Aldred, Deborah Watling | |
May 23-25, 2014 | Atlanta | Georgia | Holiday Inn Select | TimeGate XII | Terrance Dicks, Gareth David-Lloyd | |
June 2014 | Huntsville | Alabama | Con Kasterborous | Sylvester McCoy, Gareth David-Lloyd, Andrew Cartmel | ||
Nov. 7-9, 2014 | New York (Ronkonkoma) | New York | Clarion Hotel | L.I. Who 2 | Paul McGann, Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Terrance Dicks, Terry Molloy | Preview in Newsday. Review in the Long Island Press |
Nov. 28-30, 2014 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Annette Badland, Nicholas Briggs, Noel Clarke, Camille Coduri, Ellie Darcey-Alden, Joseph Darcey-Alden, Dominic Glynn, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Sonita Henry, Frazer Hines, Mat Irvine, Wendy Padbury, Billie Piper, Deborah Watling | |
Feb. 13-15, 2015 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | The 26 Seasons of Gallifrey One | John Barrowman, Janet Fielding, Eve Myles, Sophie Aldred, Derrick Sherwin, Carole Ann Ford, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Naoko Mori, Burn Gorman, Dan Starkey, Jamie Mathieson, Rachel Talalay, Arwel Wyn Jones, Claire Pritchard, Ellis George, Andrew Cartmel, Bruno Langley, Adjoa Andoh, Phil Ford, Terry Molloy, Nick Robatto, Nicholas Briggs, Mike Tucker, Colin Spaull, Danny Hargreaves, Jane Espenson, Matthew Jacobs, W. Morgan Sheppard, Jason Connery, Juliet Landau, Angela Bruce, Gabriel Woolf, Ross Mullan, Garrick Hagon, Paul Cornell, David Gooderson, Christopher Neame, Marnix van den Broeke, Sarah Louise Madison, Gary Russell, Tony Lee, Peter Anghelides, Jason Haigh-Ellery, David Gerrold, Keith Barnfather, Steve Roberts, Darin Henry | Brief mention in the Los Angeles Daily News |
Mar. 13-15, 2015 | Clarksville | Tennessee | Riverview Inn | Con-GT | Andrew Cartmel, Ellis George, |
Report in The Leaf Chronicle. |
Mar. 27-29, 2015 | Baltimore (Hunt Valley) | Maryland | Hunt Valley Inn | (Re)Generation | Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Tom Baker via Skype, Nicola Bryant, Sophie Aldred, Andrew Cartmel, Terry Molloy, Deborah Watling, Patricia Quinn, Colin Spaull, Nev Fountain | Preview in The Baltimore Sun |
Apr. 23-25, 2015 | Dallas (Irving) | Texas | Westin Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Hotel | WhoFest 2 and the Irving Invasion | Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Terry Molloy, Nicholas Briggs | The first event in 2013 had no celebrity guests |
May 22-24, 2015 | Atlanta | Georgia | Marriott Century Center | TimeGate XIII | Michelle Gomez, Katy Manning, Nick Robatto | |
May 29-31, 2015 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America | CONsole Room | Colin Baker, Gareth David-Lloyd, Ellie Darcey-Alden, Joseph Darcey-Alden | |
Oct. 2-4, 2015 | Wichita | Kansas | Best Western North Wichita | Time Eddy | Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, Deborah Watling, Daphne Ashbrook, Victor Pemberton | Preview in The Wichita Eagle |
Nov. 13-15, 2015 | New York (Hauppauge) | New York | Hyatt Regency Long Island | L.I. Who 3 | Paul McGann, Noel Clarke, Carole Ann Ford, Katy Manning, Janet Fielding, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Camille Coduri, Nina Toussaint-White, Daphne Ashbrook, Derrick Sherwin, Dan Starkey, Annette Badland, Ian McNeice | |
Nov. 27-29, 2015 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Samuel Anderson, Nicholas Briggs, Seán Carlson, Richard Franklin, Burn Gorman, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Christopher Jones, Finn Jones, Alex Kingston, John Levene, Sarah Louise Madison, Katy Manning, Chase Masterson, Paul McGann, Ross Mullan, Ingrid Oliver, Tom Spilsbury | Article in the Elgin Courier-News |
Feb. 12-14, 2016 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: Station 27 | Sir John Hurt, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Michelle Gomez, Samuel Anderson, Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, Ingrid Oliver, Neve McIntosh, Sarah Dollard, Jamie Mathieson, Andy Pryor, Patricia Quinn, Julian Glover, Ian McNeice, Naoko Mori, Jessica Martin, Andrew Hayden-Smith, Clare Higgins, Sarah Douglas, India Fisher, Seán Carlsen, Will Thorp, Jami Reid-Quarrell, Matthew Doman, Andrew Cartmel, Andy Lane, Paul Cornell, Gary Russell, Simon Guerrier, Nev Fountain, Nick Robatto, Tony Lee, Matthew Jacobs, Richard Dinnick, Jason Haigh-Ellery | |
Mar. 18-20, 2016 | Baltimore (Hunt Valley) | Maryland | Hunt Valley Inn | (Re)Generation 2 | Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Michael Troughton, Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Nick Briggs, Sophie Aldred, Wendy Padbury, Deborah Watling, Anneke Wills, Robert Shearman, Dominic Glynn, Terry Molloy, Nev Fountain, John Peel | |
Mar. 25-27, 2016 | Clarksville | Tennessee | Riverview Inn | Con-GT | Colin Baker | Article in The Leaf Chronicle |
Apr. 3-9, 2016 | Miami | Florida | Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Peter Davison, Frazer Hines, Ian McNeice, Terry Molloy, Colin Spaull, Katy Manning | ||
Apr. 22-24, 2016 | Dallas (Irving) | Texas | Westin Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Hotel | WhoFest 3 and the Daleks of DFW | Eve Myles, Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Richard Franklin, Andrew Cartmel, Simon Fisher-Becker, Ian McNeice, Colin Spaull | Article in The Irving Rambler |
May 20-22, 2016 | Laconia | New Hampshire | Margate Hotel & Resort | Coal Hill Con | Andrew Cartmel, Terry Molloy | |
May 27-29, 2016 | Atlanta | Georgia | Marriott Century Center | TimeGate XIV | Paul McGann, Terry Molloy, Nicholas Briggs, Jason Haigh-Ellery | Continued by WHOlanta |
June 3-5, 2016 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America | CONsole Room | Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Anneke Wills, Dominic Glynn | |
June 25-26, 2016 | Huntsville | Alabama | Embassy Suites Downtown | Con Kasterborous | Colin Baker, Frazer Hines, Caitlin Blackwood, Andrew Cartmel | |
Oct. 14-16, 2016 | Wichita | Kansas | Best Western North Wichita | Time Eddy II | Peter Davison, Richard Franklin, Dominic Glynn, Mark Strickson, Terry Molloy, Caitlin Blackwood, Anneke Wills, Nabil Shaban, Stephen Thorne, Waris Hussein | Preview in the Wichita Eagle |
Nov. 11-13, 2016 | New York (Hauppauge) | New York | Hyatt Regency Long Island | L.I. Who 4 | Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Paul McGann, Jemma Redgrave, Sophie Aldred, Nicholas Briggs, Anneke Wills, Frazer Hines, Peter Purves, Richard Franklin, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso, |
Nov. 25-27, 2016 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Frazer Hines, Louise Jameson, John Leeson, Wendy Padbury, Peter Purves, Deborah Watling, Anneke Wills, Michelle Gomez | |
Feb. 17-19, 2017 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: 28 Years Later | Paul McGann, Lalla Ward, Louise Jameson, Katy Manning, Peter Purves, Frazer Hines, Anneke Wills, John Leeson, Philip Hinchcliffe, Gareth David-Lloyd, Daphne Ashbrook, Catrin Stewart, Naoko Mori, Deep Roy, Mat Irvine, Simon Fisher-Becker, Nicholas Briggs, Nicholas Pegg, Barnaby Edwards, Roger Murray-Leach, June Hudson, Howard Burden, Danny Webb, Jimmy Vee, Christine Adams, Hattie Hayridge, Ryan Carnes, Michael Troughton, Sean Carlsen, Prentis Hancock, Dominic Glynn, Paul Cornell | |
Mar. 17-19, 2017 | Clarksville | Tennessee | Riverview Inn | Con-GT | Sophie Aldred, Frazer Hines, Colin Spaull, Sarah Madison, Andrew Cartmel | Preview in The Leaf-Chronicle |
Mar. 24-26, 2017 | Baltimore | Maryland | Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace | (Re)Generation 3 | Sylvester McCoy, Jenna Coleman, Ingrid Oliver, Neve McIntosh, Catrin Stewart, Peter Purves, Katy Manning, Terry Molloy, Richard Franklin, Nick Briggs, Andrew Cartmel, Rob Shearman | |
May 5-7, 2017 | Atlanta | Georgia | Marriott Century Center | WHOlanta | Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Camille Coduri, Jamie Mathieson | Continues TimeGate |
May 5-7, 2017 | Dallas (Irving) | Texas | Westin Dallas/Fort Worth Airport Hotel | WhoFest 4: The Power of Five | Peter Davison, Mark Strickson, Dan Starkey | |
May 12-14, 2017 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America | CONsole Room | ||
June 10-11, 2017 | Huntsville | Alabama | Westin | Con Kasterborous | Peter Davison, Neve McIntosh, Gareth David-Lloyd | |
July 15-23, 2017 | Port Canaveral | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Daphne Ashbrook, Simon Fisher-Becker, Frazer Hines, Sylvester McCoy, |
Oct. 13-15, 2017 | Dayton (Fairborn) | Ohio | Holiday Inn | Sylvester McCoy | Cancelled. | |
Oct. 14, 2017 | Columbus (Hilliard) | Ohio | Packrat Comics Store | Ohio Who | Terry Molloy, Caitlin Blackwood | |
Oct. 20-22, 2017 | Wichita | Kansas | Drury Plaza Hotel | Time Eddy III | Sylvester McCoy, Eric Roberts, Katy Manning, Dominic Glyn, Matthew Waterhouse, William Russell, Andrew Cartmel | Preview in The Wichita Eagle |
Nov. 10-12, 2017 | Long Island (Hauppauge) | New York | Hyatt Regency Long Island | L.I. Who 5 | Sylvester McCoy, Lalla Ward, Katy Manning, Ingrid Oliver, John Leeson, Barnaby Edwards, Frazer Hines, Michael Troughton, Waris Hussein, Richard Ashton | |
Nov. 24-26, 2017 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, |
Nov. 24-26, 2017 | Orlando | Florida | Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace | OrlandoCon | Pearl Mackie, Matt Lucas, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd | |
Dec. 8-10, 2017 | Seattle | Washington | DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport Hotel | Anglicon | Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy | |
Feb. 16-18, 2018 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: The 29 Voyages of | Steven Moffat, Sylvester McCoy, Matt Lucas, David Bradley, Jemma Redgrave, Murray Gold, Sophie Aldred, Camille Coduri, Brian Minchin, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Terry Molloy, Lisa Bowerman, Rona Munro, Martin Jarvis, Andrew Cartmel, Sarah Dollard, Jamie Mathieson, Peter Harness, Rachel Talalay, Lawrence Gough, Wayne Yip, Hayley Nebauer, Lindsey Alford, Jessica Martin, Stephen Wyatt, Philip Martin, Mike Tucker, Mark Ayres, Jenny Colgan, Chris Achilleos, Carrie Henn, Chase Masterson, Dee Sadler, Colin Spaull, Richard Ashton, Robert Shearman, Simon Fraser, George Mann, Cavan Scott, Jon Davey, John Dorney, Matt Fitton, Edward Russell, Rekha Sharma, Peter Anghelides, Paul Cornell, Richard Dinnick, Jane Espenson | |
Mar. 23-25, 2018 | Baltimore | Maryland | Renaissance Harborplace | (Re)Generation Who 4 | Peter Capaldi, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Michelle Gomez, |
May 4-6, 2018 | Atlanta | Georgia | Hilton Atlanta Airport | WHOlanta | Louise Jameson, Rachel Talalay | |
May 11-13, 2018 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America | CONsole Room | ||
June 9-10, 2018 | Huntsville | Alabama | The Westin at Bridge Street | Con Kasterborous | Mark Sheppard, |
Sept. 21-28, 2018 | Seattle | Washington | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Frazer Hines, |
Oct. 20-21, 2018 | Cleveland (Vermilion) | Ohio | German's Villa | Sophie Aldred, Michael Jayston | Cancelled. | |
Nov. 17-18, 2018 | New York City (Hauppauge) | New York | Hyatt Regency Long Island | L.I. Geek Convention | Paul McGann, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Hattie Hayridge, Sarah Louise Madison, Jon Davey, John Peel | Continued by An Unearthly Convention |
Nov. 23-25, 2018 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Yorktown Center | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Pearl Mackie, |
Dec. 7, 2018 | St. Louis | Missouri | Science Center | First Friday | Simon Fisher-Becker | KMOV feature |
Jan. 4-6, 2019 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America | CONsole Room | Katy Manning, Neve McIntosh | |
Feb. 15-17, 2019 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: 30 Years in the TARDIS | Colin Baker, |
Mar. 29-31, 2019 | Baltimore (Rockville) | Maryland | Bethesda North Mariott | Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Catherine Tate, Sophie Aldred, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso, Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Terry Molloy | Cancelled | |
May 3-5, 2019 | Atlanta | Georgia | Hilton Atlanta Airport | WHOlanta | Jon Davey | |
June 8-9, 2019 | Huntsville | Alabama | Holiday Inn/Research Park | Cancelled | ||
Nov. 23-24, 2019 | Long Island (Holtsville) | New York | Ramada Plaza | An Unearthly Convention (L.I. Who) | Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Louise Jameson, Katy Manning, Frazer Hines, Daphne Ashbrook, John Leeson | Continues L.I. Geek Convention |
Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2019 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Chicago Lombard | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy, Tosin Cole, Arthur Darvill, Katy Manning, Louise Jameson, John Leeson, Richard Franklin, Frazer Hines, |
Dec. 13-22, 2019 | Miami | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | |||
Jan. 17-19, 2020 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America | CONsole Room | Richard Ashton, John Leeson (by video conference) | |
Feb. 14-16, 2020 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: The 31 Flavours of Gallifrey One | Christopher Eccleston, Peter Davison, Pearl Mackie, Tosin Cole, Anjli Mohindra, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Mark Strickson, Frazer Hines, Michelle Ryan, Geoffrey Beevers, Tilly Steele, Mark Dexter, Anna-Louise Plowman, Joy Wilkinson, Vinay Patel, Peter McTighe, Steffan Morris, Sallie Aprahamian, Tracie Simpson, Margot Hayhoe, Rhianne Starbuck, |
May 30, 2020 | Atlanta | Georgia | online | WHOlanta | Sophie Aldred, Rachel Talalay, Dominic Glynn, Jon Davey | |
Oct. 10-11, 2020 | Huntsville | Alabama | Holiday Inn Huntsville-Research Park | Catherine Tate | Cancelled | |
Nov. 27-28, 2020 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | online | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Paul McGann, Sophie Aldred, Frazer Hines, |
Jan. 15-17, 2021 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | online | CONsole Room | Frazer Hines, Neve McIntosh, Dan Starkey, Catrin Stewart, Gareth David-Lloyd | |
Jan. 29-Feb. 9, 2021 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | cancelled | |||
Feb. 12-14, 2021 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Postponed to 2022 | ||
Aug. 7, 2021 | Bellevue | Washington | online | BritCon | Paul McGann, David Bradley, Jon Davey | |
Nov. 20-21, 2021 | New York | New York | Holiday Inn Long Island, Islip Airport East | L.I. Who Presents Time-Flight | Frazer Hines, Colin Spaull, Michael Jayston, Joanna Ball, Jon Davey, Michael Troughton, Yee Jee Tso | |
Nov. 26-28, 2021 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Chicago Lombard | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Colin Baker, Frazer Hines, Michael Jayston, Neve McIntosh, Colin Spaull, |
Jan. 21-23, 2022 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton MSP Airport/Mall of America Hotel | CONsole Room: Satellite 9 | Mark Strickson, John Peel | |
Feb. 18-20, 2022 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: Thirty-Second to Midnight | Sylvester McCoy, Mandip Gill, Sacha Dhawan, Matt Strevens, Jo Martin, Frazer Hines, Jonathan Watson, Eric Roberts, Sophia Myles, Tommy Knight, Sadie Miller, Anjli Mohindra, Bhavnisha Parmar, Michael Jayston, Stephen Gallagher, India Fisher, Christopher Naylor, Lauren Cornelius, Clem So, Mickey Lewis, Jon Davey, Colin Spaull, Jody Hauser, Paul Cornell, Lisa McMullin, Gary Russell, Matthew Sweet, John Peel, Matt Fitton, Mark Corden, Tony Lee, Rob Ritchie, Martin Geraghty, Emily Cook, Jason Haigh-Ellery, David J Howe, Heather Challands, Eliza Roberts; |
Rescheduled from 2021 |
Apr. 18-29, 2022 | Fort Lauderdale | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Frazer Hines, Sylvester McCoy, Terry Molloy | ||
Aug. 5-7, 2022 | Bellevue | Washington | Hilton Bellevue | BritCon | Paul McGann, Eric Roberts, Matthew Jacobs, Philip Segal, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso | |
Nov. 19-20, 2022 | New York | New York | Holiday Inn Long Island- Islip Airport East |
L.I. Who Presents Meglos | Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Wendy Padbury, Sarah Sutton, Sophie Aldred, Kevin McNally, Frazer Hines, Jon Davey, Bhavnisha Parmar, Tim Dane Ried | |
Nov. 25-27, 2022 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Chicago Lombard | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Bhavnisha Parmar, Sophia Myles, Kevin McNally | |
Jan. 20-22, 2023 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton MSP Airport/Mall of America Hotel | CONsole Room: 10 Years in the Tardis | Sophie Aldred, Tommy Knight | |
Feb. 17-19, 2023 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: 33 1/3 Long Live the Revolution | Jodie Whittaker, Colin Baker, Bonnie Langford, Chris Chibnall, Janet Fielding, Sophie Aldred, Katy Manning, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Jon Culshaw, Michael Troughton, Daniel Anthony, Craige Els, Jamie Magnus Stone, Patrick O'Kane, Arwel Wyn Jones, Dafydd Shurmer, Tim Treloar, Stephen Noonan, Daisy Ashford, Lauren Cornelius, Jeff Cummins, Richard Price, Simon Carew, Tim Dane Reid, Mickey Lewis, Dan Slott, Gary Russell, Tony Lee, Matt Fitton, Joe Lidster, Paul Cornell, Matthew Sweet, Peter Anghelides, Jody Hauser, Simon Guerrier, Matthew Jacobs | |
June 9-11, 2023 | Huntsville | Alabama | Holiday Inn Huntsville-Research Park | Con Kasterborous | ||
Aug. 18-20, 2023 | New York | New York | Holiday Inn Long Island- Islip Airport East |
L.I. Who 6 | Paul McGann, Sacha Dhawan, Katy Manning, Frazer Hines, Michael Troughton, Richard Ashton, Mickey Lewis | |
Oct. 21, 2023 | Indianapolis (Camby & Plainfield) | Indiana | Plainfield Mariott | Doctoberfest 2023: Collision (Who North America) | Sophie Aldred | |
Oct. 22-29, 2023 | Cape Canaveral | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Frazer Hines, Sylvester McCoy, Eric Roberts | ||
Nov. 24-26, 2023 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Chicago Lombard | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Janet Fielding, Katy Manning, Carole Ann Ford, |
Jan. 12-14, 2024 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton MSP Airport/Mall of America Hotel | CONsole Room: Year 11 | Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Lisa Bowerman, Jon Davey | |
Feb. 16-18, 2024 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One: Miracle on 34th Street | Sir Derek Jacobi, Alex Kingston, Billie Piper, Eric Roberts, Eliza Roberts, Segun Akinola, Matthew Waterhouse, Frazer Hines, Camille Coduri, Jacqueline King, Shaun Dingwall, Annette Badland, Kevin McNally, Rachel Talalay, Sally Knyvette, Brian Croucher, Jan Chappell, Brian Herring, Ray Holman, Dominic Glynn, Jonathon Carley, Paul Cornell, Mark Morris, James Goss, John Dorney, Gary Russell, Stephen Cole, Simon Guerrier, Jody Houser, Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson | |
Aug. 23-25, 2024 | New York | New York | Holiday Inn Long Island Airport East | Long Island's Doctor Who Convention | Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Mark Strickson, Frazer Hines, Yee Jee Tso, Annette Badland, Trevor Cooper, Daphne Ashbrook, Jacqueline King, Dominic Glynn, Terry Molloy, Jonathan Watson | |
Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2024 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Chicago Lombard | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) | Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Jo Martin, Sophie Aldred, Wendy Padbury, Mark Ayres, Dominic Glynn, |
Dec. 5-15, 2024 | Miami | Florida | The Sci-Fi Sea Cruise | Sophie Aldred, Carole Ann Ford, Frazer Hines, Sylvester McCoy | ||
Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2025 | Twin Cities (Bloomington) | Minnesota | Hilton MSP Airport/Mall of America | Console Room | Ian McNeice | |
Feb. 14-16, 2025 | Los Angeles | California | Marriott LAX | Gallifrey One in 35 Millimetre | Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Catherine Tate, Jenna Coleman, Steven Moffat, Julie Gardner, Joel Collins, Louise Jameson, Katy Manning, Nicola Bryant, Wendy Padbury, Frazer Hines, Michelle Greenidge, Susan Twist, Mark Sheppard, David Gooderson, Kate Herron, Briony Redman, Julie Anne Robinson, Scott Handcock, Gary Russell, Blair Mowat, Paul Magrs, Jonathan Morris, Andrew Smith, Andy Lane, Nev Fountain, Jody Hauser, Sean Carlsen, Alex McQueen, Miles Richardson, Charlie Hayes, Safiyya Ingar, Lizzie Hopley, John Dorney, Jason Haigh-Ellery, Lisa McMullan, Alfie Shaw, Tony Lee, Nigel Fairs, Juliet Landau, Mara Wilson, Alimi Ballard, |
It was announced that the Gallifrey One convention to be held in 2028 would be the last. |
Aug. 22-24, 2025 | New York | New York | Holiday Inn Islip Airport East | L.I. Who | Jo Martin, Carole Ann Ford, Wendy Padbury, Paul Jerricho | |
Nov. 28-30, 2025 | Chicago (Lombard) | Illinois | Westin Chicago Lombard | Chicago TARDIS (Alien Entertainment) |
United States Chronology | |
1963-1969 | 1971-1972 | 1973-1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991-2020s | |
Related articles | List of conventions | List of fan clubs | References to the USA in Doctor Who | Doctor Who USA Tour | USA Tour stops | Documentaries and specials | TV Guide | Saturday, March 12, 1988 | First airings by episode | Search by episode title or date | United States by the numbers | Chicago chronology | Time-Life Television |